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Test Name : Certified Financial Planner (CFP Level 1)
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CFP test Format | CFP Course Contents | CFP Course Outline | CFP test Syllabus | CFP test Objectives

The CFP� certification examination is a key requirement for achieving CFP� certification. By passing the exam, you demonstrate that you've attained the knowledge and competency necessary to provide comprehensive personal financial planning advice to your clients. CFP Board is here to guide you with the support, tools and resources you need for a successful test experience.

To develop CFP� test content that reflects the current practice of financial planning, CFP Board conducts regular Job Analyses to identify the important tasks performed by planners and assess the knowledge and skills needed to perform these tasks. This process is conducted by CFP� professionals and led by testing experts to assure the test remains current, reliable, valid and legally defensible.

CFP Board works with volunteer CFP� professionals to develop the exam. These volunteers include Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who serve as item writers and reviewers, as well as members of the Council on Examinations, which is made up of SMEs with considerable experience with the CFP� test who provide final review and approval of all test questions.

The criterion for passing the CFP� test is established through a process known as Standard Setting, during which CFP� professionals determine the minimal competency level required to pass the exam. CFP Board does not predetermine the pass rate for the test or have an established percentage of questions that must be answered correctly to pass.

The following Principal courses are based on the results of CFP Boards 2015 Job Task Analysis. The Principal Topics serve as a curricular framework and also represent subject courses that CFP Board accepts for continuing education credit, effective January 2016. Each test question will be linked to one of the following topics, in the approximate percentages indicated following the general headings.

A. Professional Conduct and Regulation (7%)
B. General Principles of Financial Planning (17%)
C. Education Planning (6%)
D. Risk Management and Insurance Planning (12%)
E. Investment Planning (17%)
F. Tax Planning (12%)
G. Retirement Savings and Income Planning (17%)
H. Estate Planning (12%)
A.1 CFP Boards Code of Ethics and Professional
Responsibility and Rules of Conduct
A.2 CFP Boards Financial Planning Practice Standards
A.3 CFP Boards Disciplinary Rules and Procedures
A.4 Function, purpose, and regulation of financial
A.5 Financial services regulations and requirements
A.6 Consumer protection laws
A.7 Fiduciary
B.8 Financial planning process
B.9 Financial statements
B.10 Cash flow management
B.11 Financing strategies
B.12 Economic concepts
B.13 Time value of money concepts and calculations
B.14 Client and planner attitudes, values, biases and
behavioral finance
B.15 Principles of communication and counseling
B.16 Debt management
C.17 Education needs analysis
C.18 Education savings vehicles
C.19 Financial aid
C.20 Gift/income tax strategies
C.21 Education financing
D.22 Principles of risk and insurance
D.23 Analysis and evaluation of risk exposures
D.24 Health insurance and health care cost management (individual)
D.25 Disability income insurance (individual)
D.26 Long-term care insurance (individual)
D.27 Annuities
D.28 Life insurance (individual)
D.29 Business uses of insurance
D.30 Insurance needs analysis
D.31 Insurance policy and company selection
D.32 Property and casualty insurance
E.33 Characteristics, uses and taxation of investment vehicles
E.34 Types of investment risk
E.35 Quantitative investment concepts
E.36 Measures of investment returns
E.37 Asset allocation and portfolio diversification
E.38 Bond and stock valuation concepts
E.39 Portfolio development and analysis
E.40 Investment strategies
E.41 Alternative investments
F.42 Fundamental tax law
F.43 Income tax fundamentals and calculations
F.44 Characteristics and income taxation of business entities
F.45 Income taxation of trusts and estates
F.46 Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
F.47 Tax reduction/management techniques
F.48 Tax consequences of property transactions
F.49 Passive activity and at-risk rules
F.50 Tax implications of special circumstances
F.51 Charitable/philanthropic contributions and deductions
G.52 Retirement needs analysis
G.53 Social Security and Medicare
G.54 Medicaid
G.55 Types of retirement plans
G.56 Qualified plan rules and options
G.57 Other tax-advantaged retirement plans
G.58 Regulatory considerations
G.59 Key factors affecting plan selection for businesses
G.60 Distribution rules and taxation
G.61 Retirement income and distribution strategies
G.62 Business succession planning
H.63 Characteristics and consequences of property titling
H.64 Strategies to transfer property
H.65 Estate planning documents
H.66 Gift and estate tax compliance and tax calculation
H.67 Sources for estate liquidity
H.68 Types, features, and taxation of trusts
H.69 Marital deduction
H.70 Intra-family and other business transfer techniques
H.71 Postmortem estate planning techniques
H.72 Estate planning for non-traditional relationships

A. Identify the client (e.g., individual, family, business, organization)
B. Discuss the financial planning process
C. Explain scope of services offered
D. Assess and communicate ability to meet the clients needs and expectations
E. Identify and disclose conflicts of interest in client relationships
F. Discuss responsibilities of parties involved
G. Define and document the scope of the engagement
H. Provide client disclosures
1. Regulatory disclosure
2. Compensation arrangements and associated potential conflicts of interest
A. Explore with the client their personal and financial needs, priorities and goals
B. Assess the clients level of knowledge, experience and risk tolerance
C. Evaluate the clients risk exposures (e.g., longevity, economic, liability, healthcare)
D. Gather relevant data including:
1. Summary of assets (e.g., cost basis information, beneficiary designations and titling)
2. Summary of liabilities (e.g., balances, terms, interest rates)
3. Summary of income and expenses
4. Estate planning documents
5. Education plan and resources
6. Retirement plan information
7. Employee benefits
8. Government benefits (e.g., Social Security, Medicare)
9. Special circumstances (e.g., legal documents and agreements, family situations)
10. Tax documents
11. Investment statements
12. Insurance policies and documents (e.g., life, health, disability, liability)
13. Closely held business documents (e.g., shareholder agreements)
14. Inheritances, windfalls, and other large lump sums
A. Evaluate and document the strengths and vulnerabilities of the clients current financial situation including:
1. Statement of financial position/balance sheet
2. Cash flow statement
3. Capital needs analysis (e.g., insurance, retirement, major purchases
4. Asset protection (e.g., titling, trusts, etc.)
5. Asset allocation
6. Client liquidity (e.g., emergency fund)
7. Government benefits (e.g., Social Security, Medicare)
8. Employee benefits
9. Investment strategies
10. Current, deferred and future tax liabilities
11. Estate tax liabilities
12. Tax considerations
13. Income types
14. Retirement plans and strategies (e.g., qualified plans, IRAs)
15. Accumulation planning
16. Distribution planning
17. Estate documents
18. Ownership of assets
19. Beneficiary designations
20. Gifting strategies
21. Executive compensation (e.g., deferred compensation, stock options, RSUs)
22. Succession planning and exit strategy
23. Risk management (e.g., retained risk and insurance coverage)
24. Educational financial aid
25. General sources of financing
26. Special circumstances (e.g., divorce, disabilities, family dynamics, etc.)
27. Inheritances, windfalls, and other large lump sums
28. Charitable planning
29. Aging and eldercare
30. Mental capability and capacity issues
B. Identify and use appropriate tools and techniques to conduct analyses including:
1. Financial calculator
2. Computer spreadsheet
3 Financial planning software
A. Evaluate alternatives to meet the clients goals and objectives
1. Sensitivity analysis (e.g., factors outside of client control)
B. Consult with other professionals as appropriate
C. Develop recommendations considering:
1. Client attitudes, values and beliefs
2. Behavioral finance issues (e.g., anchoring, overconfidence, recency)
3. Their interdependence
D. Document recommendations
A. Present financial plan and provide guidance
1. Goals
2. Assumptions
3. Observations and findings
4. Alternatives
5. Recommendations
B. Obtain feedback from the client and revise the recommendations as appropriate
C. Provide documentation of plan recommendations and any additional disclosures
D. Verify client acceptance of recommendations
A. Create a prioritized implementation plan with timeline
B. Directly or indirectly implement the recommendations
C. Coordinate and share information, as authorized, with others
D. Define monitoring responsibilities with the client (e.g., explain what will be monitored, frequency of monitoring, communication method(s))
A. Discuss and evaluate changes in the clients personal circumstances (e.g., aging issues, change in employment)
B. Review the performance and progress of the plan
C. Review and evaluate changes in the legal, tax and economic environments
D. Make recommendations to accommodate changed circumstances
E. Review scope of work and redefine engagement as appropriate
F. Provide ongoing client support (e.g., guidance, education)
A. Adhere to CFP Boards Standards of Professional Conduct
B. Manage practice risk (e.g., documentation, monitor client noncompliance with recommendations)
C. Maintain awareness of and comply with regulatory and legal guidelines

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WiseTech founder dumps $46m of shares | CFP question bank and real questions

brief retailers argue the acquisitive approach has helped the founder repeatedly promote down his stake in the enterprise to new investors, whereas selling hyped up fairness to pay for acquisitions that cover the community's true boom fees.

Mr White has at all times strongly denied this argument, and his fresh share sales just earlier than the conclusion of monetary year could be for any variety of own causes.

China-primarily based short vendor J Capital had estimated $259 million price of shares had been sold by insiders in the business considering that it listed in 2016. That estimate does not consist of the latest share income.

The business's Sydney headquarters is even rented out from Mr White on arm's size phrases with it paying him $920,000 hire for the half-12 months to December 31, 2019.

Accounting for boom

In might also, WiseTech published it would exchange upcoming cash funds owed to 17 of its acquisitions with $eighty one.four million in new fairness funds.

at the identical time it pointed out it might e-book a $sixty nine.5 million profit through its 2nd half economic yr 2020 profit and loss commentary because of reducing the liabilities owed to the acquisitions with the aid of replacing money owed with the new fairness issued.

It also stated it did not expect to jot down down the goodwill cost of the acquisitions on its balance sheet because of the earnout adjustments.

Arguably, if an organization books a $sixty nine.5 million profit through its profit and loss commentary by way of adjusting liabilities owed on its balance sheet there should be a corresponding write-down within the cost of the assets in the event that they are not value the common expense.

the first half of the 2020 fiscal yr financial statements blanketed the same $32.7 million reasonable cost profit booked throughout the earnings and loss statement that contributed a significant quantity to the remaining $59.9 million paper profit.

As Bucephalus analysis points out, WiseTech has arguably wiped $102 million off a $230 million legal responsibility over 365 days and booked the positive factors as a profit.

cash is king

a much bigger subject for WiseTech is that short marketers argue WiseTech's acquisition costs booked via its cashflow statements are nearer to client acquisition or advertising and marketing charges than natural investing actions as a result of purchasing shoppers is part of its method.

For the half-yr to December 31, 2018, WiseTech suggested an operating cash profit of $forty three.7 million but acquisition and investing expenses outflows equalled $140.eight million. Financing inflows equalled $17 million.

for the same half yr in economic 2019, it suggested an operating profit of $sixty two.four million, however acquisition and investing cash outflows of $seventy eight.9 million. fiscal outflows equalled $10.2 million.

In other phrases, over both half-yr durations greater cash was going out of the business than coming in to finance the unorthodox acquisition strategy.

Critics like Bucephalus argue the approach is a smokescreen to support the valuation as insiders promote shares, with stated profits bearing little relation to cash flows.

Questions have also been raised over how the acquisitions are truly performing given their off balance sheet accounting, with WiseTech also accused of boosting paper earnings with the aid of capitalising software building costs at plenty greater quotes than friends.

In its February 2020 intervening time income file, WiseTech reported ninety per cent of its income is ordinary, with 99 per cent ordinary in its core CargoWise platform. It additionally reported churn at less than 1 per cent.

The accuracy of these claims were challenged through brief agents and are more likely to be demonstrated again by COVID-19's impact.

On a market cost of round $6 billion these days, WiseTech nevertheless trades on 14 times the mid-factor of forecast monetary 2020 earnings, or forty eight instances the mid-element for forecast fiscal 2020 EBITDA.

The stock is down 3 per cent to $19.20 in morning trade, although it nonetheless enjoys mighty assist available in the market given its position within the popular utility-as-a-provider house and as its CargoWise platform boasts astonishing economics on paper.

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Social-Work-Board [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
Splunk [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
SpringSource [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
SUN [63 Certification Exam(s) ]
SUSE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Sybase [17 Certification Exam(s) ]
Symantec [137 Certification Exam(s) ]
Teacher-Certification [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
The-Open-Group [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
TIA [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Tibco [18 Certification Exam(s) ]
Trainers [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Trend [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
TruSecure [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
USMLE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
VCE [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
Veeam [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Veritas [34 Certification Exam(s) ]
Vmware [76 Certification Exam(s) ]
Watchguard [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Wonderlic [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Worldatwork [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
XML-Master [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Zend [6 Certification Exam(s) ]

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