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EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer v2 (CSP)
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312-92 test Format | 312-92 Course Contents | 312-92 Course Outline | 312-92 test Syllabus | 312-92 test Objectives
Software defects, bugs, and flaws in the logic of the program are consistently the cause for software vulnerabilities. Analysis by software security professionals has proven that most vulnerabilities are due to
errors in programming. Hence, it has become crucial for organizations to educate their software developers about secure coding practices.
Attackers scan for security vulnerabilities in applications and servers and attempt to use these vulnerabilities to steal secrets, corrupt programs and data, and gain control of computer systems and networks. Sound programming techniques and best practices should be used to develop high quality code to prevent web application attacks. Secure programming is a defensive measure against attacks targeted towards application systems.
ECSP-Java is comprehensive course that provides hands-on training covering Java security features, policies, strengths, and weaknesses. It helps developers understand how to write secure and robust Java applications and provides advanced knowledge in various aspects of secure Java development that can effectively prevent hostile and buggy code. The end result of security Java coding practices include saving valuable effort, money, time, and possibly the reputation of organizations using Javacoded applications.
Students in this course will acquire knowledge in the following areas:
Java security principles and secure coding practices
Java Security Platform, Sandbox, JVM, Class loading, Bytecode verifier, Security Manager, security policies, and Java Security Framework
Secure Software Development Lifecycle, threat modelling, software security frameworks, and secure software architectures
Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), its architecture, Pluggable Authentication
Module (PAM) Framework, and access permissions through Java Security Model
Secure Java concurrency and session management that includes Java Memory Model, Java
Thread Implementation methods, secure coding practices, and guidelines for handling threads, race conditions, and deadlocks
Core security coding practices of Java Cryptography that includes Encryption, KeyGenerator, implementation of Cipher Class, Digital Signatures, Secret Keys, and key management
Various Java application vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross Site Request
Forgery (CSRF), Directory Traversal vulnerability, HTTP Response Splitting attack, Parameter
Manipulation, Injection Attacks and their countermeasures
Coding testing and review techniques and practices
Best practices and standards and guidelines for secure file input/output and serialization
Java input validation techniques, validation errors, and best practices
Java exceptions, erroneous behaviors, and the best practices to handle or avoid them
Secure authentication and authorization processes
� Vulnerability Disclosure Growth
� Impact of Vulnerabilities and Associated Costs
� Security Incidents
� Software Security Failure Costs
� Need for Secure Coding
� Java Security Overview
� Java Security Platform
� Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
� Class Loading
� Bytecode Verifier
� Class Files
� Security Manager
� Java Security Policy
� Java Security Framework
� Why Secured Software Development is needed=>
� Why Security Bugs in SDLC=>
� Characteristics of a Secured Software
� Security Enhanced Software Development Life Cycle
� Software Security Framework
� Secure Architecture and Design
� Design Principles for Secure Software Development
� Guidelines for Designing Secure Software
� Threat Modeling
� Threat Modeling Approaches
� Web Application Model
� Threat Modeling Process
� SDL Threat Modeling Tool
� Secure Design Considerations
� Secure Java Patterns and Design Strategies
� Secure Java Coding Patterns
� Secure Code Patterns for Java Applications
� Secure Coding Guidelines
� System Quality Requirements Engineering
� System Quality Requirements Engineering Steps
� Software Security Testing
� Secure Code Review
� Step 1: Identify Security Code Review Objectives
� Step 2: Perform Preliminary Scan
� Step 3: Review Code for Security Issues
� Step 4: Review for Security Issues Unique to the Architecture
� Code Review
� Source Code Analysis Tools
� Advantages and Disadvantages of Static Code Analysis
� Advantages and Disadvantages of Dynamic Code Analysis
� LAPSE: Web Application Security Scanner for Java
� FindBugs: Find Bugs in Java Programs
� Coverity Static Analysis
� Coverity Dynamic Analysis
� Veracode Static Analysis Tool
� Source Code Analysis Tools For Java
� Fuzz Testing
� File Input and Output in Java
� The java.io package
� Character and Byte Streams in Java
� Reader and Writer
� Input and Output Streams
� All File creations should Accompany Proper Access Privileges
� Handle File-related Errors cautiously
� All used Temporary Files should be removed before Program Termination
� Release Resources used in Program before its Termination
� Prevent exposing Buffers to Untrusted Code
� Multiple Buffered Wrappers should not be created on a single InputStream
� Capture Return Values from a method that reads a Byte or Character to an Int
� Avoid using write() Method for Integer Outputs ranging from 0 to 255
� Ensure studying
Array is fully filled when using read() Method to Write in another Array
� Raw Binary Data should not be read as Character Data
� Ensure little endian data is represented using read/write methods
� Ensure proper File Cleanup when a Program Terminates
� File Input/Output Best Practices
� File Input and Output Guidelines
� Serialization
� Implementation Methods of Serialization
� Serialization Best Practices
� Secure Coding Guidelines in Serialization
� Percentage of Web Applications Containing Input Validation Vulnerabilities
� Input Validation Pattern
� Validation and Security Issues
� Impact of Invalid Data Input
� Data Validation Techniques
� Whitelisting vs. Blacklisting
� Input Validation using Frameworks and APIs
� Regular Expressions
� Vulnerable and Secure Code for Regular Expressions
� Servlet Filters
� Struts Validator
� Struts Validation and Security
� Data Validation using Struts Validator
� Avoid Duplication of Validation Forms
� Struts Validator Class
� Enable the Struts Validator
� Secure and Insecure Struts Validator Code
� HTML Encoding
� Vulnerable and Secure Code for HTML Encoding
� Vulnerable and Secure Code for Prepared Statement
� Stored Procedures
� Character Encoding
� Input Validation Errors
� Best Practices for Input Validation
� Exception and Error Handling
� Example of an Exception
� Handling Exceptions in Java
� Exception Classes Hierarchy
� Exceptions and Threats
� Erroneous Exceptional Behaviors
� Dos and Donts in Exception Handling
� Best Practices for Handling Exceptions in Java
� Logging in Java
� Example for Logging Exceptions
� Logging Levels
� Log4j and Java Logging API
� Java Logging using Log4j
� Vulnerabilities in Logging
� Logging: Vulnerable Code and Secure Code
� Secured Practices in Logging
� Percentage of Web Applications Containing Authentication Vulnerabilities
� Percentage of Web Applications Containing Authorization Bypass Vulnerabilities
� Introduction to Authentication
� Java Container Authentication
� Authentication Mechanism Implementation
� Declarative v/s Programmatic Authentication
� Declarative Security Implementation
� Programmatic Security Implementation
� Java EE Authentication Implementation Example
� Basic Authentication
� How to Implement Basic Authentication=>
� Form-Based Authentication
� Form-Based Authentication Implementation
� Implementing Kerberos Based Authentication
� Secured Kerberos Implementation
� Configuring Tomcat User Authentication Setup
� Client Certificate Authentication in Apache Tomcat
� Client Certificate Authentication
� Certificate Generation with Keytool
� Implementing Encryption and Certificates in Client Application
� Authentication Weaknesses and Preventio
� Introduction to Authorization
� JEE Based Authorization
� Access Control Model
� Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
� Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
� Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
� Servlet Container
� Authorizing users by Servlets
� Securing Java Web Applications
� Session Management in Web Applications
� EJB Authorization Controls
� Common Mistakes
� Java Authentication and Authorization (JAAS)
� JAAS Features
� JAAS Architecture
� Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) Framework
� JAAS Classes
� JAAS Subject and Principal
� Authentication in JAAS
� Subject Methods doAs() and doAsPrivileged()
� Impersonation in JAAS
� JAAS Permissions
� LoginContext in JAAS
� JAAS Configuration
� Locating JAAS Configuration File
� JAAS CallbackHandler and Callbacks
� Login to Standalone Application
� JAAS Client
� LoginModule Implementation in JAAS
� Phases in Login Process
� Java EE Application Architecture
� Java EE Servers as Code Hosts
� Tomcat Security Configuration
� Best Practices for Securing Tomcat
� Declaring Roles
� HTTP Authentication Schemes
� Securing EJBs
� Percentage of Web Applications Containing a Session Management Vulnerability
� Java Concurrency/ Multithreading
� Concurrency in Java
� Different States of a Thread
� Java Memory Model: Communication between Memory of the Threads and the Main Memory
� Creating a Thread
� Thread Implementation Methods
� Threads Pools with the Executor Framework
� Concurrency Issues
� Do not use Threads Directly
� Avoid calling Thread.run() Method directly
� Use ThreadPool instead of Thread Group
� Use notify all() for Waiting Threads
� Call await() and wait() methods within a Loop
� Avoid using Thread.stop()
� Gracefully Degrade Service using Thread Pools
� Use Exception Handler in Thread Pool
� Avoid Overriding Thread-Safe Methods with the non ThreadSafe Methods
� Use this Reference with caution during Object Construction
� Avoid using Background Threads while Class Initialization
� Avoid Publishing Partially Initialized Objects
� Race Condition
� Secure and Insecure Race Condition Code
� Deadlock
� Avoid Synchronizing high level Concurrency Objects using Intrinsic Locks
� Avoid Synchronizing Collection View if the program can access Backing Collection
� Synchronize Access to Vulnerable Static fields prone to Modifications
� Avoid using an Instance Lock to Protect Shared Static Data
� Avoid multiple threads Request and Release Locks in Different Order
� Release Actively held Locks in Exceptional Conditions
� Ensure Programs do not Block Operations while Holding Lock
� Use appropriate Double Checked Locking Idiom forms
� Class Objects that are Returned by getClass() should not be Synchronized
� Synchronize Classes with private final lock Objects that Interact with Untrusted Code
� Objects that may be Reused should not be Synchronized
� Be Cautious while using Classes on Client Side that do not Stick to their Locking Strategy
� Deadlock Prevention Techniques
� Secured Practices for Handling Threads
� Session Management
� Session Tracking
� Session Tracking Methods
� Types of Session Hijacking Attacks
� Countermeasures for Session Hijacking
� Countermeasures for Session ID Protection
� Guidelines for Secured Session Management
� Percentage of Web Applications Containing Encryption Vulnerabilities
� Need for Java Cryptography
� Java Security with Cryptography
� Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)
� Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
� Attack Scenario: Inadequate/Weak Encryption
� Encryption: Symmetric and Asymmetric Key
� Encryption/Decryption Implementation Methods
� SecretKeys and KeyGenerator
� The Cipher Class
� Attack Scenario: Man-in-the-Middle Attack
� Digital Signatures
� The Signature Class
� The SignedObjects
� The SealedObjects
� Insecure and Secure Code for Signed/Sealed Objects
� Digital Signature Tool: DigiSigner
� Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
� Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)
� SSL and Security
� Insecure HTTP Server Code
� Secure HTTP Server Code
� Attack Scenario: Poor Key Management
� Keys and Certificates
� Key Management System
� KeyStore
� Implementation Method of KeyStore Class
� KeyStore: Temporary Data Stores
� Secure Practices for Managing Temporary Data Stores
� KeyStore: Persistent Data Stores
� Key Management Tool: KeyTool
� Digital Certificates
� Certification Authorities
� Signing Jars
� Signing JAR Tool: Jarsigner
� Signed Code Sources
� Code Signing Tool: App Signing Tool
� Java Cryptography Tool: JCrypTool
� Java Cryptography Tools
� Dos and Donts in Java Cryptography
� Best Practices for Java Cryptography
� Average Number of Vulnerabilities Identified within a Web Application
� Computers reporting Exploits each quarter in 2011, by Targeted Platform or Technology
� Introduction to Java Application
� Java Application Vulnerabilities
� Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
� Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
� Directory Traversal
� HTTP Response Splitting
� Parameter Manipulation
� XML Injection
� SQL Injection
� Command Injection
� LDAP Injection
� XPATH Injection
� Injection Attacks Countermeasures
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desirable 15 certifications favourite for 2020 | 312-92 PDF Braindumps and test Questions
Certifications can validate your IT skills and journey to show employers you've got the abilities to get the job performed. that you could get certified in expertise you already have or abilities you’d want to put to make use of in your profession — whatever thing your intent, certifications are a fine way to provide a boost to your resume and set yourself other than different candidates in a job search.
in response to the 2020 IT earnings record from Robert Half, IT authorities conserving the following universal certifications can earn 5 to 10 p.c more than their peers. whether you’re simply starting out and constructing your resume otherwise you’ve been in the business for two decades, there’s a certification that can aid raise your profits and your career.
Amazon presents a long checklist of AWS certifications, but the AWS certified solutions Architect is one of the most normal cloud computing certifications you could earn. AWS is widespread at corporations colossal and small, so whether you already work for a company the usage of AWS or plan to sooner or later, it’s a good choice in your resume. The certification focuses on your means to design and set up scalable techniques on AWS with a focus on keeping it low in cost with out sacrificing on safety, reliability and pleasant.
typical annual profits (based on PayScale): $113,000
licensed statistics skilled (CDP)attainable from the Institute for Certification of Computing gurus (ICCP), the licensed information expert (CDP) certification offers a number of gaining knowledge of paths. CDP candidates can make a choice from a variety of domains, together with company analytics, statistics analytics and design, information governance, records integration and interoperability, information administration, facts warehousing, enterprise information architecture, information techniques or IT management and more. The CDP is offered at various ranges beginning with groundwork and relocating on to affiliate, mastery, most important and ending at the last stage of government management.
commonplace annual salary: $45,000
licensed ethical Hackerprovided in the course of the EC-Council, the certified moral Hacker (CEH) certification demonstrates your skill to locate vulnerabilities in computing device systems and to stay away from hacking. As an ethical hacker, you’re someone who uses the same advantage, techniques and potential as a malicious hacker to assist establish greater protection measures to stay away from future attacks. ethical hackers are liable for discovering weaknesses within the organization’s networks and systems, and then use that skills to provide protection to the enterprise towards capabilities threats.
normal annual revenue: $eighty one,000
certified ScrumMasterThe Scrum Alliance offers a ScrumMaster certification for you to certify your competencies of the Scrum Framework and your potential to apply it within the office. It’s a certification gold standard perfect for project managers, technical venture managers, Scrum masters, software managers, undertaking leads and product developers. when you move your certification, you’ll also acquire a two-yr membership with the Scrum Alliance, with a purpose to offer you access to native and online networking pursuits.
commonplace annual earnings: $one hundred and five,000
Cisco certified Internetwork expert (CCIE)The Cisco certified Internetwork skilled (CCIE) certification is the optimum stage of certification that you can reach in Cisco’s software. The professional-stage certifications are offered in forte areas including business infrastructure, enterprise wireless, records core, safety, carrier issuer and collaboration. after getting handed your CCIE test to your subject of alternative, you may have reached the optimum level of Cisco certification at present obtainable. earlier than you can earn your knowledgeable-level certification, it’s recommended to have at least five to seven years of adventure in the certification subject.
typical annual revenue: $126,000
Cisco certified community associate (CCNA)The Cisco certified community affiliate (CCNA) certification is obtainable in several specializations, together with protection, wireless, routing and switching, industrial, IoT, statistics core, cyber operations, collaboration and cloud. The examination covers network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP functions, security fundamentals and automation and programmability. You’ll want at the least 12 months of journey working with Cisco items and services, fundamental talents of IP addressing and a powerful realizing of network fundamentals to flow the examination.
general annual salary: $seventy eight,000
Cisco certified network expert (CCNP)The Cisco certified community knowledgeable (CCNP) certifications will be the subsequent step in your Cisco certification journey after you earn your CCNA. With CCNP, you can decide to be licensed in business, statistics core, protection, service provider, collaboration, CyberOps or DevNet. You’ll need to circulate an examination at the CCNP degree to movement on to the closing knowledgeable stage of certifications. It’s recommended to have at the least three to 5 years of event in any certification path you choose.
ordinary annual earnings: $95,000
certified guidance programs Auditor (CISA)provided during the ISACA, the licensed suggestions programs Auditor (CISA) certification is a globally diagnosed certification for IS audit control. It became based in 1978 and certifies your capability to document on compliance methods, how well you can check vulnerabilities and your talents of each stage in the auditing technique. To qualify, you need at least five years of journey in IS auditing, manage or protection and should comprehensive an extra entry-degree test in the course of the ISACA certification scheme.
commonplace annual earnings: $102,000
CompTIA A+The CompTIA A+ certification is designed for assist experts, container service technicians, desktop assist analysts and assist desk assist. It’s an entry-degree certification that certifies your skill to troubleshoot and clear up problems with networking, mobile instruments, working programs and safety. The certification covers 9 crucial IT capabilities equivalent to hardware, networking, cellular devices, home windows operating device, hardware and community troubleshooting, operating equipment applied sciences, utility troubleshooting, security and operation processes.
commonplace annual income: $sixty one,000
international suggestions Assurance Certification (GIAC)The global guidance Assurance Certification (GIAC) is offered in 30 specializations for IT cybersecurity gurus. The certifications “target job-primarily based ability sets rather than taking a one-size-suits-all strategy,” and every certification is associated with a particular security job responsibility or skill. The test is designed to check your actual-world knowledge and to validate your palms-on journey working in safety.
commonplace annual profits: $91,000
Microsoft licensed options affiliate (MCSA)Microsoft presents a few certified options affiliate (MCSA) certifications in subject matters like BI reporting, workplace 365, database development, web functions, windows Server, windows 10 and a few different Microsoft products and functions. The MCSA certification is designed for entry-stage tech worker's, so if you’re simply starting out to your IT career, you’ll locate these certifications effective for strengthening your resume. Please observe, youngsters, that Microsoft will soon be revamping its certification program, and the MCSA will crumple to function-primarily based certifications.
standard annual salary: $seventy five,000
Microsoft know-how associate (MTA)The Microsoft know-how affiliate (MTA) certification is an entry-stage certification that covers the foundations of know-how. You’ll deserve to be aware of the fundamentals of IT infrastructure, databases and development. Microsoft designed the certification for individuals new to the IT business or for these seeking to make a profession become the tech business. It’s exceptionally valuable for Junior IT Auditors and techniques, community or safety administrators.
typical annual earnings: $55,000
Oracle licensed expert (OCP)Oracle offers a number of Oracle licensed knowledgeable (OCP) certifications in database administration, large data, application building, analytics, records warehousing and extra. You’ll need to earn your Oracle licensed associate (OCA) certification on your chosen path or subject before you could flow onto earning your expert-level OCP certification. Oracle presents a large selection of IT certifications so in case you already use Oracle products or want to work for a company that does, you'll absolutely discover a certification that suits your needs.
common annual revenue: $107,000
mission management knowledgeable (PMP)The PMP certification is offered via assignment management Institute and is centered at superior task management gurus. The certification covers the fundamentals of task administration, together with the five main stages of a challenge’s lifestyles cycle: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling and closing. To take the examination, you’ll want as a minimum a four-year degree and three years of experience in project administration, 4,500 hours of main and directing tasks and 35 hours of task management training. when you have a secondary diploma, you’ll need five years of adventure, 7,500 hours leading and directing tasks and 35 hours of challenge management education.
ordinary annual profits: $106,000
Salesforce certified construction Lifecycle and Deployment dressmakerThe Salesforce certified construction Lifecycle and Deployment fashion designer certification falls under Salesforce’s architect certifications tune. This certification test is obtainable as a specialization which you could take under the certified methods Architect certification path. It’s designed for IT professionals answerable for assessing the company’s architecture atmosphere and requirements and certifies your capability to put into effect administration options on the Salesforce platform.
average annual profits: $91,000
Copyright © 2020 IDG Communications, Inc.
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Brocade [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
Business-Objects [11 Certification Exam(s) ]
Business-Tests [5 Certification Exam(s) ]
CA-Technologies [20 Certification Exam(s) ]
Certification-Board [20 Certification Exam(s) ]
Certiport [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
CheckPoint [45 Certification Exam(s) ]
CIDQ [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
CIMA [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
CIPS [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
Cisco [352 Certification Exam(s) ]
Citrix [49 Certification Exam(s) ]
CIW [18 Certification Exam(s) ]
Cloudera [10 Certification Exam(s) ]
Cognos [19 Certification Exam(s) ]
College-Board [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
CompTIA [81 Certification Exam(s) ]
ComputerAssociates [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
Consultant [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Counselor [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
CPP-Institute [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
CSP [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
CWNP [19 Certification Exam(s) ]
CyberArk [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Dassault [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
DELL [18 Certification Exam(s) ]
DMI [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
DRI [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
ECCouncil [25 Certification Exam(s) ]
ECDL [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
EMC [134 Certification Exam(s) ]
Enterasys [13 Certification Exam(s) ]
Ericsson [5 Certification Exam(s) ]
ESPA [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Esri [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
ExamExpress [15 Certification Exam(s) ]
Exin [42 Certification Exam(s) ]
ExtremeNetworks [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
F5-Networks [20 Certification Exam(s) ]
FCTC [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Filemaker [9 Certification Exam(s) ]
Financial [34 Certification Exam(s) ]
Food [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
Fortinet [17 Certification Exam(s) ]
Foundry [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
FSMTB [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Fujitsu [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
GAQM [12 Certification Exam(s) ]
Genesys [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
GIAC [17 Certification Exam(s) ]
Google [14 Certification Exam(s) ]
GuidanceSoftware [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
H3C [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
HDI [9 Certification Exam(s) ]
Healthcare [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
HIPAA [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Hitachi [30 Certification Exam(s) ]
Hortonworks [5 Certification Exam(s) ]
Hospitality [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
HP [771 Certification Exam(s) ]
HR [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
HRCI [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Huawei [34 Certification Exam(s) ]
Hyperion [10 Certification Exam(s) ]
IAAP [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
IAHCSMM [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
IBM [1547 Certification Exam(s) ]
IBQH [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
ICAI [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
ICDL [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
IELTS [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
IFPUG [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
IIA [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
IIBA [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
IISFA [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Intel [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
IQN [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
IRS [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
ISA [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
ISACA [5 Certification Exam(s) ]
ISC2 [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
ISEB [25 Certification Exam(s) ]
Isilon [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
ISM [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
iSQI [9 Certification Exam(s) ]
ITEC [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
ITIL [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Juniper [68 Certification Exam(s) ]
LEED [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Legato [5 Certification Exam(s) ]
Liferay [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Linux-Foundation [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Logical-Operations [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Lotus [66 Certification Exam(s) ]
LPI [25 Certification Exam(s) ]
LSI [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Magento [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Maintenance [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
McAfee [9 Certification Exam(s) ]
McData [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Medical [70 Certification Exam(s) ]
Microsoft [413 Certification Exam(s) ]
Mile2 [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Military [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Misc [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Motorola [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
MuleSoft [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
mySQL [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
NBSTSA [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
NCEES [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
NCIDQ [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
NCLEX [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Network-General [12 Certification Exam(s) ]
NetworkAppliance [42 Certification Exam(s) ]
NetworkAppliances [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
NI [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
NIELIT [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Nokia [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
Nortel [130 Certification Exam(s) ]
Novell [38 Certification Exam(s) ]
OMG [10 Certification Exam(s) ]
Oracle [317 Certification Exam(s) ]
P&C [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Palo-Alto [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
PARCC [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
PayPal [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
PCI-Security [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Pegasystems [19 Certification Exam(s) ]
PEOPLECERT [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
PMI [16 Certification Exam(s) ]
Polycom [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
PostgreSQL-CE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Prince2 [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
PRMIA [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
PsychCorp [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
PTCB [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
QAI [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Qlik [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
QlikView [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Quality-Assurance [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
RACC [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Real-Estate [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
RedHat [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
RES [5 Certification Exam(s) ]
Riverbed [9 Certification Exam(s) ]
RSA [16 Certification Exam(s) ]
Sair [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
Salesforce [13 Certification Exam(s) ]
SANS [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
SAP [98 Certification Exam(s) ]
SASInstitute [15 Certification Exam(s) ]
SAT [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
SCO [10 Certification Exam(s) ]
SCP [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
SDI [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
See-Beyond [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
ServiceNow [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Siemens [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Snia [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
SOA [15 Certification Exam(s) ]
Social-Work-Board [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
Splunk [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
SpringSource [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
SUN [63 Certification Exam(s) ]
SUSE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Sybase [17 Certification Exam(s) ]
Symantec [137 Certification Exam(s) ]
Teacher-Certification [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
The-Open-Group [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
TIA [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Tibco [18 Certification Exam(s) ]
Trainers [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Trend [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
TruSecure [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
USMLE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
VCE [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
Veeam [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Veritas [34 Certification Exam(s) ]
Vmware [76 Certification Exam(s) ]
Watchguard [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
Wonderlic [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
Worldatwork [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
XML-Master [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
Zend [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
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References :
Dropmark : http://killexams.dropmark.com/367904/12064936
Dropmark-Text : http://killexams.dropmark.com/367904/12928365
Blogspot : http://killexamsbraindump.blogspot.com/2018/01/eccouncil-312-92-dumps-and-practice.html
Wordpress : https://wp.me/p7SJ6L-2Be
Box.net : https://app.box.com/s/kuoppzq71m80dq5ofzh36ijhgr11hbom
zoho.com : https://docs.zoho.com/file/6mtu44ea1316247cb4096be43e4822e01d130
publitas.com : https://view.publitas.com/trutrainers-inc/kill-your-312-92-exam-at-first-try
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