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CIW v5 Security Essentials
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Test Number : 1D0-571
Test Name : CIW v5 Security Essentials
Vendor Name : CIW
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1D0-571 test Format | 1D0-571 Course Contents | 1D0-571 Course Outline | 1D0-571 test Syllabus | 1D0-571 test Objectives
Exam Name : CIW Web Security Associate
Exam Code : 1D0-571
Duration : 90 mins
Number of Questions : 62
Passing Score : 76%
The CIW Web Security Associate course teaches you how to secure your network from unauthorized activity. This course teaches you about security principles, such as establishing an effective security policy, and about the different types of hacker activities that you are most likely to encounter. Individuals with these security skills can pursue or advance careers in many aspects of online and network security.
Web Security Associate teaches you how to secure your network from unauthorized activity. This course teaches you about security principles, such as establishing an effective security policy, and about the different types of hacker activities that you are most likely to encounter.
This course identifies security principles and techniques that enable you to stop a hacker by understanding how to implement access control lists, operating system hardening and firewall technology. It also teaches you how to personalize your network security system so you can create a solution that adheres to universal principles, but also conforms to your business needs in responding to specific hacker attacks.
You will learn about authentication procedures, encryption standards and implementations that help ensure proper user authentication. You will also learn about the specific ports and protocols that hackers manipulate, and about direct and indirect ways to protect your network operating systems. Finally, you will learn how to respond to and report hacker activity, engage in proactive detection, and always keep your company's needs in mind.
- What Is Security=>
- Network Security Background
- What Is Security=>
- Hacker Statistics
- The Myth of 100-Percent Security
- Attributes of an Effective Security
- Matrix
- What You Are Trying to Protect
- Who Is the Threat=>
- Security Standards
- Elements of Security
- Security Elements and Mechanisms
- The Security Policy
- Determining Backups
- Encryption
- Authentication
- Specific Authentication Techniques
- Access Control
- Auditing
- Security Tradeoffs and Drawbacks
- Applied Encryption
- Reasons to Use Encryption
- Creating Trust Relationships
- Symmetric-Key Encryption
- Symmetric Algorithms
- Asymmetric-Key Encryption
- One-Way (Hash) Encryption
- Applied Encryption Processes
- Encryption Review
- Types of Attacks
- Network Attack Categories
- Brute-Force and Dictionary Attacks
- System Bugs and Back Doors
- Malware (Malicious Software)
- Social Engineering Attacks
- Denial-of-Service (DOS) Attacks
- Distributed Denial-of-Service
- (DDOS) Attacks
- Spoofing Attacks
- Scanning Attacks
- Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
- Bots and Botnets
- SQL Injection
- Auditing
- exact
Networking Vulnerability
- Considerations
- Networking Vulnerability
- Considerations
- Wireless Network Technologies and
- Security
- IEEE 802.11 Wireless Standards
- Wireless Networking Modes
- Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
- Wireless Network Security Problems
- Wireless Network Security
- Solutions
- Site Surveys
- Convergence Networking and
- Security
- Web 2.0 Technologies
- Greynet Applications
- Vulnerabilities with Data at Rest
- Security Threats from Trusted
- Users
- Anonymous Downloads and
- Indiscriminate Link-Clicking
- General Security Principles
- Common Security Principles
- Be Paranoid
- You Must Have a Security Policy
- No System or Technique Stands
- Alone
- Minimize the Damage
- Deploy Companywide Enforcement
- Provide Training
- Use an Integrated Security Strategy
- Place Equipment According to
- Needs
- Identify Security Business Issues
- Consider Physical Security
- Protocol Layers and Security
- TCP/IP Security Introduction
- OSI Reference Model Review
- Data Encapsulation
- The TCP/IP Stack and the OSI
- Reference Model
- Link/Network Access Layer
- Network/Internet Layer
- Transport Layer
- Application Layer
- Protocol Analyzers
- Securing Resources
- TCP/IP Security Vulnerabilities
- Implementing Security
- Resources and Services
- Protecting TCP/IP Services
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- (SMTP)
- Physical Security
- Testing Systems
- Security Testing Software
- Security and Repetition
- Firewalls and Virtual Private
- Networks
- Access Control Overview
- Definition and Description of a
- Firewall
- The Role of a Firewall
- Firewall Terminology
- Firewall Configuration Defaults
- Creating Packet Filter Rules
- Packet Filter Advantages and
- Disadvantages
- Configuring Proxy Servers
- URL Filtering
- Remote Access and Virtual Private
- Networks (VPNs)
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Define the significance of network security, and identify various elements of an effective security policy, including risk factors, security-related organizations, key resources to secure, general security threat types, access control.
- Define encryption and the encryption methods used in internetworking.
- Use universal guidelines and principles of effective network security to create effective specific solutions.
- Apply security principles and identify security attacks.
- Identify firewall types and define common firewall terminology.
- Plan a firewall system that incorporates multiple levels of protection, including firewall system design, proactive detection, setting traps, security breach response, security alerting organizations.
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