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HP HPE2-CP04 : Implementing and Modernizing Virtualization Exam

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Test Number : HPE2-CP04
Test Name : Implementing and Modernizing Virtualization
Vendor Name : HP
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HPE2-CP04 test Format | HPE2-CP04 Course Contents | HPE2-CP04 Course Outline | HPE2-CP04 test Syllabus | HPE2-CP04 test Objectives

Exam ID : HPE2-CP04
Exam type : Web based
Exam duration : 1 hour 10 minutes
Examlength : 60 questions
Passing score : 60%
Delivery languages : English

This test tests the candidates ability to explain and demonstrate relevant ISV and partner technologies used in implementing and modernizing HPE virtualization solutions. This test assesses the candidates knowledge of the design, implementation, and support of HPEs virtualization solution technologies.

Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam. Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
Successful completion of the course alone does not ensure you will pass the exam.
Read this HPE test Preparation Guide and follow its recommendations.
Visit HPE Press for additional reference materials, study guides, practice tests, and HPE books.
What to Expect with Discrete Option Multiple Choice (DOMC) exams:
This test uses the DOMC question format. It is quite different than traditional multiple choice exams. It is designed to increase test fairness, to protect test integrity, your test scores and your time.
How is DOMC different=> Instead of presenting all the answer options together at one time, DOMC questions present answer options one at a time, at random When an answer option is presented, you select either Yes or No to indicate if the option is correct or not. This process repeats until the question concludes
You may see more than one correct option You may receive as few as one option for each test question or several options Once you move forward, you may not go back and change your response to a previous option We created an HPE sample test to help you practice using this DOMC test format. During registration, you will be asked to confirm that you have completed the HPE DOMC sample test and understand how this test will perform

20% Identify and describe software defined infrastructure technologies and requirements.
Identify and describe the common virtualization solution building blocksincluding VMware, Microsoft HyperV, Redhat Linux.
Identify and describe the common management and automation solution building blocksincluding, Security, Monitoring, Image Repository, Config Mgmt and automation, DevOps Tools, etc.

30% Describe the businesscasesfor modernizing virtualization.
Given a scenario, counselcustomer on identifying use casesfor virtualization based on their existing environment and industry trends.
Describe appropriate HPE solution offerings and articulate the value proposition.
Given a customer scenario, recommend and describe appropriate solutionsto modernize virtual infrastructure.
Differentiate between HPE and competitive solutions.
Identify and describe key enhancementsthe HPE infrastructure or bundling add to the solution.

35% Architect solutionsfor virtualizing server, storage and networking infrastructure to modernize HPE virtualization environments.
Articulate featuresin Blade, Synergy and Gen10 servers.
Use available HPE Reference Architecturesto architect a customer solution, combining elementsfrommultiple RAs and customizing each asrequired.
Describe the sizing and configuration tools associated with these solutionsfromHPE and Relevant 3rd parties.
Describe the integration between HPE infrastructure and ISV solutions.

15% Implement solutions optimized for performance and availability on HPE infrastructure leveraging HPE integration elements.
Articulate key optimizationsfromsolution and RA documentation that differentiate the HPE solution.
Implement integration components between HPE infrastructure and ISV solutions.

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Microsoft Defender ATP now scans home windows 10 pc firmware for hardware rootkit attacks | HPE2-CP04 PDF Questions and braindumps

Microsoft has been building firmware-level defenses into windows 10 Secured-Core PCs for the enterprise, and now it's bringing similar capabilities to its business antivirus software, Microsoft Defender advanced threat coverage (ATP).

Secured-core PCs consist of a handful of windows 10 PCs, including the surface seasoned X, HP Elite Dragonfly, Dell Latitude 7400, and fourth-era Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga.

probably the most key hardware-level protections these present is kernel Direct memory entry (DMA) protection, which could mitigate fingers-on assaults that take advantage of, for instance, the Thunderbolt interface to steal information from memory.

SEE: Kubernetes security book (free PDF) (TechRepublic download)

Others consist of trusted Platform Module (TPM), virtualization-primarily based safety, windows Defender equipment preserve, hypervisor-blanketed code integrity (HVCI), and equipment to block unverified code execution.

This breed of PCs are geared toward organizations within the points of interest of state-backed hackers, such because the Russian group, Fancy undergo, and some accurate traces of ransomware.

the new Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) scanner in home windows Defender ATP scans the interface between the working gadget and firmware, making a safety function that become up to now unique to Secured-Core home windows 10 PCs is now accessible more commonly.

The scanner should still notice when a rootkit or other malware tampers with code used in addition a computer by means of using information from motherboard producers.

"The UEFI scanner is a brand new element of the developed-in antivirus answer on windows 10 and offers Microsoft Defender ATP the enjoyable ability to scan inner the firmware filesystem and perform safety evaluation," the Microsoft Defender ATP crew says in a blogpost.

"It integrates insights from their partner chipset manufacturers and additional expands the comprehensive endpoint insurance plan provided by way of Microsoft Defender ATP."

SEE: Microsoft previews Microsoft Defender ATP for Linux

As Microsoft explains, the UEFI scanner can help spot attacks that take advantage of machines the place relaxed boot is disabled or the motherboard chipset is misconfigured.

via altering the firmware or UEFI drivers, attackers can do dangerous issues like disabling antivirus, all under the visibility of common antivirus and the working equipment.

The UEFI scanner runs an analysis on the firmware it receives from the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) flash storage, which isn't a simple assignment due to the fact the firmware isn't attainable from the leading memory of a computing device.

"by means of obtaining the firmware, the scanner is in a position to parse the firmware, enabling Microsoft Defender ATP to check out firmware content at runtime," Microsoft says.

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Download These Latest and Up to date Certification Exams Here

References : Certification test dumps | Pass4Sure test Questions and Dumps

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