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DB2 11.1 Fundamentals for LUW
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C2090-616 test
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Test Number : C2090-616
Test Name : DB2 11.1 Fundamentals for LUW
Vendor Name : IBM
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C2090-616 test Format | C2090-616 Course Contents | C2090-616 Course Outline | C2090-616 test Syllabus | C2090-616 test Objectives
Exam ID : C2090-616
Exam Title : DB2 11.1 Fundamentals for LUW
Number of questions: 63
Number of questions to pass: 43
Time allowed: 90 mins
Status: Live
This Database Associate certification is an entry level test
for a user of any of the DB2 family of products. This individual is knowledgeable about the fundamental concepts of DB2 11.1 through either hands on experience or formal and informal education. The database associate should have an in-depth knowledge of the basic to intermediate tasks required in day-to-day administration, basic SQL (Structured Query Language), understand which additional products are available with DB2 11.1, understand how to create databases and database objects, and have a basic knowledge of database security and transaction isolation.
Section 1 - Planning 21%
- Identify and describe the DB2 products available
- Identify and decribe the DB2 Cloud offerings available
- Describe the characteristics of OLTP and Data Warehouse workloads
- Describe the benefits of DB2 pureScale
- Demonstrate the ability to use DB2 BLU Acceleration
- Explain Federation support
- Identify and describe Oracle and Netezza Compatibility Features
Section 2 - Security 17%
- Describe methods used to restrict data access
- Identify and describe the authorities and privileges available
- Identify and describe the DCL statements available
- Describe Roles and Trusted Contexts
Section 3 - Working with Databases and Database Objects 16%
- Create and connect to DB2 servers and databases
- Identify DB2 objects
- Identify and describe the DDL statements available
- Describe the different types of tables available
Section 4 - Working with DB2 Data using SQL 19%
- Demonstrate the ability to use SQL to SELECT data from tables
- Demonstrate the ability to use SQL to UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT data
- Demonstrate the ability to manage transactions
- Demonstrate the ability to create and call an SQL stored procedure or a user defined function
- Identify and describe SQL compatibility enhancements
- Identify the OLAP function used to meet a specific business requirement
Section 5 - Working with DB2 Tables, Views, and Indexes 13%
- Identify and describe the DB2 data types available
- Identify the characteristics of a table, view or index
- Demonstrate the ability to create and use temporary tables
- Demonstrate the ability to create and use triggers
Section 6 - Data Concurrency 14%
- Identify factors that influence locking
- List objects on which locks can be obtained
- Identify characteristics of DB2 locks
- Given a situation, identify the isolation level that should be used
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