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AAMA-CMA test Format | AAMA-CMA Course Contents | AAMA-CMA Course Outline | AAMA-CMA test Syllabus | AAMA-CMA test Objectives
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Content Outline for the CMA (AAMA)� Certification Exam
I. A�G General
A. Psychology
1. Understanding Human Behavior
a. Behavioral theories
(1) Maslow
(2) Erikson
b. Defense mechanisms
(1) Common types
(2) Recognition and management
2. Human Growth and Development
a. Normal developmental patterns/milestones
3. Death and Dying Stages
B. Communication
1. Therapeutic/Adaptive Responses to Diverse Populations
a. Visually impaired
b. Hearing impaired
c. Age specific
(1) Geriatric
(2) Pediatric/adolescent
d. Seriously/terminally ill
e. Intellectual disability
f. Illiterate
g. Non-English speaking
h. Anxious/angry/distraught
i. Socially/culturally/ethnically diverse
2. Nonverbal Communication
a. Body language
(1) Posture
(2) Position
(3) Facial expression
(4) Territoriality/physical boundaries
(5) Gestures
(6) Touch
(7) Mannerisms
(8) Eye contact
3. Communication Cycle
a. Sender-message-receiver-feedback
b.Listening skills
(1) Active/therapeutic
c. Assess level of understanding
(1) Reflection
(2) Restatement
(3) Clarification
(4) Feedback
d. Barriers to communication
(1) Internal distractions
(a) Pain
(b) Hunger
(c) Anger
(2) External/environmental distractions
(a) Temperature
(b) Noise
4. Collection of Data
a. Types of questions
(1) Exploratory
(2) Open-ended
(3) Closed/Direct
5. Telephone Techniques
a. Call management
(1) Screening/gathering data
(2) Emergency/urgent situations
b. Messages
(1) Taking messages
(2) Leaving messages
6. Interpersonal Skills
a. Displaying impartial conduct without regard to race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical challenges, special needs, lifestyle choices
b. Recognizing stereotypes and biases
c. Demonstrating empathy/sympathy/compassion
C. Professionalism
1. Professional Behavior
a. Professional situations
(1) Displaying tact, diplomacy, courtesy, respect, dignity
(2) Demonstrating responsibility, integrity/honesty
(3) Responding to criticism
b. Professional image
2. Performing as a Team Member
a. Principles of health care team dynamics
(1) Cooperation for optimal outcomes
(2) Identification of the roles and credentials of health care team members
b. Time management principles
(1) Prioritizing responsibilities
D. Medical Law/Regulatory Guidelines
1. Advance Directives
a. Living will
b. Medical durable power of attorney
c. Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)
2. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
4. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
5. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA '88)
6. Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA)
7. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
a. Health insurance portability access and renewal without preexisting conditions
b. Coordination of care to prevent duplication of services
8. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act
a. Patient's right to inspect, amend, and restrict access to his/her medical record
9. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
a. Controlled Substances Act of 1970
10. Medical Assistant Scope of Practice
a. Consequences of failing to operate within scope
11. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)
12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
13. Consumer Protection Acts
a. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
b. Truth in Lending Act of 1968 (Regulation Z)
14. Public Health and Welfare Disclosure
a. Public health statutes
(1) Communicable diseases
(2) Vital statistics
(3) Abuse/neglect/exploitation against child/elder
(a) Domestic abuse
(4) Wounds of violence
15. Confidentiality
a. Electronic access audit/activity log
b. Use and disclosure of personal/protected health information (PHI)
(1) Consent/authorization to release
(2) Drug and alcohol treatment records
(3) HIV-related information
(4) Mental health
16. Health Care Rights and Responsibilities
a. Patients' Bill of Rights/Patient Care Partnership
b. Professional liability
(1) Current standard of care
(2) Standards of conduct
(3) Malpractice coverage
c. Consent to treat
(1) Informed consent
(2) Implied consent
(3) Expressed consent
(4) Patient incompetence
(5) Emancipated minor
(6) Mature minor
17. Medicolegal Terms and Doctrines
a. Subpoena duces tecum
b. Subpoena
c. Respondeat superior
d. Res ipsa loquitor
e. Locum tenens
f. Defendant-plaintiff
g. Deposition
h. Arbitration-mediation
i. Good Samaritan laws
18. Categories of Law
a. Criminal law
(1) Felony/misdemeanor
b. Civil law
(1) Contracts (physician-patient relationships)
(a) Legal obligations to the patient
(b) Consequences for patient noncompliance
(c) Termination of medical care
(i) Elements/behaviors for withdrawal of care
(ii) Patient notification and documentation
(d) Ownership of medical records
(2) Torts
(a) Invasion of privacy
(b) Negligence
(c) Intentional torts
(i) Battery
(ii) Assault
(iii) Slander
(iv) Libel
c. Statutory law
(1) Medical practice acts
d. Common law (Legal precedents)
E. Medical Ethics
1. Ethical Standards
2. Factors Affecting Ethical Decisions
a. Legal
b. Moral
F. Risk Management, Quality Assurance, and Safety
1. Workplace Accident Prevention
a. Slips/trips/falls
2. Safety Signs, Symbols, Labels
3. Environmental Safety
a. Ergonomics
b. Electrical safety
c. Fire prevention/extinguisher use/regulations
4. Compliance Reporting
a. Reporting unsafe activities and behaviors
b. Disclosing errors in patient care
c. Insurance fraud, waste, and abuse
d. Conflicts of interest
e. Incident reports
G. Medical Terminology
1. Word Parts
a. Basic structure
(1) Roots/combining forms
(2) Prefixes
(3) Suffixes
2. Definitions/Medical Terminology
a. Diseases and pathologies
b. Diagnostic procedures
c. Surgical procedures
d. Medical specialties
II. H-M Administrative
H. Medical Reception
1. Medical Record Preparation
2. Demographic Data Review
a. Identity theft prevention
b. Insurance eligibility verification
3. Handling Vendors/Business Associates
4. Reception Room Environment
a. Comfort
b. Safety
c. Sanitation
5. Practice Information Packet
a. Office policies
b. Patient financial responsibilities
I. Patient Navigator/Advocate
1. Resource Information
a. Provide information about community resources
b. Facilitate referrals to community resources
c. Referral follow-up
J. Medical Business Practices
1. Written Communication
a. Letters
b. Memos/interoffice communications
c. Reports
2. Business Equipment
a. Routine maintenance
b. Safety precautions
3. Office Supply Inventory
a. Inventory control/recordkeeping
4. Electronic Applications
a. Medical management systems
(1) Database reports
(2) Meaningful use regulations
b. Spreadsheets, graphs
c. Electronic mail
d. Security
(1) Password/screen saver
(2) Encryption
(3) Firewall
e. Transmission of information
(1) Facsimile/scanner
(2) Patient portal to health data
f. Social media
K. Establish Patient Medical Record
1. Recognize and Interpret Data
a. History and physical
b. Discharge summary
c. Operative note
d. Diagnostic test/lab report
e. Clinic progress note
f. Consultation report
g. Correspondence
h. Charts, graphs, tables
i. Flow sheet
2. Charting Systems
a. Problem-oriented medical record (POMR)
b. Source-oriented medical record (SOMR)
L. Scheduling Appointments
1. Scheduling Guidelines
a. Appointment matrix
b. New patient appointments
(1) Identify required information
c. Established patient appointments
(1) Routine
(2) Urgent/emergency
d. Patient flow
(1) Patient needs/preference
(2) Physician preference
(3) Facility/equipment requirements
e. Outside services (e.g., lab, X-ray, surgery, outpatient procedures, hospital admissions)
2. Appointment Protocols
a. Legal aspects
b. Physician referrals
c. Cancellations/no-shows
d. Physician delay/unavailability
e. Reminders/recall systems
(1) Appointment cards
(2) Phone calls/text messages/e-mail notifications
(3) Tickler file
M. Practice Finances
1. Financial Terminology
a. Accounts receivable
b. Accounts payable
c. Assets
d. Liabilities
e. Aging of accounts
f. Debits
g. Credits
h. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)
i. Relative Value Units (RVUs)
2. Financial Procedures
a. Payment receipts
(1) Co-pays
b. Data entry
(1) Post charges
(2) Post payments
(3) Post adjustments
c. Manage petty cash account
d. Financial calculations
e. Billing procedures
(1) Itemized statements
(2) Billing cycles
f. Collection procedures
(1) Aging of accounts
(2) Preplanned payment options
(3) Credit arrangements
(4) Use of collection agencies
3. Diagnostic and Procedural Coding Applications
a. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
(1) Modifiers
(2) Upcoding
(3) Bundling of charges
b. International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications (ICD-CM) (Current schedule)
c. Linking procedure and diagnosis codes
d. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS Level II)
4. Third-Party Payers/Insurance
a. Types of plans
(1) Commercial plans
(2) Government plans
(a) Medicare
(i) Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN)
(b) Medicaid
(3) Managed care organizations (MCOs)
(a) Managed care requirements
(i) Care referrals
(ii) Precertification
[a] Diagnostic and surgical procedures
(iii) Prior authorization
[a] Medications
(4) Workers' compensation
b. Insurance claims
(1) Submission
(2) Appeals/denials
(3) Explanation of benefits (EOB)
III. N-V Clinical
N. Anatomy and Physiology
1. Body as a Whole
a. Structural units
b. Anatomical divisions, body cavities
c. Anatomical positions and directions
d. Body planes, quadrants
2. Body Systems Including Normal Structure, Function, and Interrelationships Across the Life Span
a. Integumentary
b. Musculoskeletal
c. Nervous
d. Cardiovascular, hematopoietic, and lymphatic
e. Respiratory
f. Digestive
g. Urinary
h. Reproductive
i. Endocrine
j. Sensory
3. Pathophysiology and Diseases of Body Systems
a. Integumentary
b. Musculoskeletal
c. Nervous
d. Cardiovascular, hemtopoietic, and lymphatic
e. Respiratory
f. Digestive
g. Urinary
h. Reproductive
i. Endocrine
j. Sensory
O. Infection Control
1. Infectious Agents
a. Bacteria
b. Viruses
c. Protozoa
d. Fungi
e. Parasites
2. Modes of Transmission
a. Direct
b. Indirect
c. Airborne
d. Droplet
e. Inhalation
3. Infection Cycle/Chain of Infection
4. Body's Natural Barriers
5. Medical Asepsis
a. Hand hygiene
(1) Hand washing
(2) Alcohol-based hand rub
b. Sanitization
c. Disinfection
6. Surgical Asepsis
a. Surgical scrub
b. Sterilization techniques/Autoclave
(1) Preparing items
(2) Wrapping
(3) Sterilization indicators
7. Standard Precautions/Blood-borne Pathogen Standards
a. Body fluids
b. Secretions
c. Excretions
d. Blood
e. Mucous membranes
f. Personal protective equipment (PPE)
(1) Gowns
(2) Gloves
(3) Masks
(4) Caps
(5) Eye protection
g. Post-exposure plan
8. Biohazard Disposal/Regulated Waste
a. Sharps
b. Blood and body fluids
c. Safety data sheets (SDS)
d. Spill kit
P. Patient Intake and Documentation of Care
1. Medical Record Documentation
a. Subjective data
(1) Chief complaint
(2) Present illness
(3) Past medical history
(4) Family history
(5) Social and occupational history
(6) Review of systems
b. Objective data
c. Making corrections
d. Treatment/compliance
Q. Patient Preparation and Assisting the Provider
1. Vital Signs/Anthropometrics
a. Blood pressure
(1) Technique
(2) Equipment
(a) Stethoscope
(b) Sphygmomanometer
b. Pulse
(1) Technique
(a) Pulse points
(b) Rate and rhythm
c. Height/weight/BMI
(1) Technique
(2) Equipment
d. Body temperature
(1) Technique
(2) Equipment
e. Oxygen saturation/pulse oximetry
(1) Technique
(2) Equipment
f. Respiration rate
(1) Technique
2. Recognize and Report Age-Specific Normal and Abnormal Vital Signs
3. Examinations
a. Methods
(1) Auscultation
(2) Palpation
(3) Percussion
(4) Mensuration
(5) Manipulation
(6) Inspection
b. Body positions/draping
(1) Sims
(2) Fowlers
(3) Supine
(4) Knee-chest
(5) Prone
(6) Lithotomy
(7) Dorsal recumbent
c. Pediatric test
(1) Growth chart
(a) Measurements
(i) Techniques
b. OB-GYN test
(1) Pelvic exam/PAP smear
(2) Prenatal/postpartum exams
4. Procedures
a. Procedure explanation and patient instructions
b. Supplies, equipment, and techniques
(1) Eye irrigation
(2) Ear irrigation
(3) Dressing change
(4) Suture/staple removal
(5) Sterile procedures
(a) Surgical assisting
(b) Surgical tray prep
(c) Antiseptic skin prep
(d) Sterile field boundaries
(e) Surgical instruments
(i) Classifications
(ii) Instrument use
5. Patient Education/Health Coach
a. Health maintenance and disease prevention
(1) Diabetic teaching and home care
(a) Home blood sugar monitoring
(2) Instruct on use of patient mobility equipment and assistive devices
(3) Pre-/post-op care instructions
(4) Patient administered medications
(5) Home blood pressure monitoring and lifestyle controls
(6) Home anticoagulation monitoring
(7) Home cholesterol monitoring
b. Alternative medicine
6. Wellness/Preventive Care
a. Cancer screening
b. Sexually transmitted infections
c. Hygienic practices
(1) Hand washing
(2) Cough etiquette
d. Smoking risks and cessation
e. Recognition of substance abuse
f. Osteoporosis screening/bone density scan
g. Domestic violence screening and detection
R. Nutrition
1. Basic Principles
a. Food nutrients
(1) Carbohydrates
(2) Fats
(3) Proteins
(4) Minerals/electrolytes
(5) Vitamins
(6) Fiber
(7) Water
b. Dietary supplements
2. Special Dietary Needs
a. Weight control
b. Diabetes
c. Cardiovascular disease
d. Hypertension
e. Cancer
f. Lactose sensitivity/intolerance
g. Gluten free
h. Food allergies
3. Eating Disorders
S. Collecting and Processing Specimens
1. Methods of Collection
a. Blood
(1) Venipuncture
(a) Site selection
(b) Site prep
(c) Equipment
(i) Evacuated tubes
(ii) Tube additives
(iii) Needles
(2) Capillary/dermal puncture
b. Urine
(1) Random
(2) Midstream/clean catch
(3) Timed 24-hour collection
(4) Catheterization
(5) Pediatric urine collector
c. Fecal specimen
d. Sputum specimen
e. Swabs
(1) Throat
(2) Genital
(3) Wound
(4) Nasopharyngeal
2. Prepare, Process, and Examine Specimens
a. Proper labeling
b. Sources of contamination
c. Specimen preservation
(1) Refrigeration
(2) Fixative
d. Recordkeeping
e. Incubator
f. Centrifuge
g. Microscope
h. Inoculating a culture
i. Microbiologic slides
(1) Wet mount
3. Laboratory Quality Control/Quality Assurance
a. Testing protocols
b. Testing records and performance logs
c. Daily equipment maintenance
d. Calibration
e. Daily control testing
f. Monitor temperature controls
g. Reagent storage
h. CLIA-waived tests
4. Laboratory Panels and Performing Selected Tests
a. Urinalysis
(1) Physical
(2) Chemical
(3) Microscopic
(4) Culture
b. Hematology panel
(1) Hematocrit
(2) Hemoglobin
(3) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(4) Automated cell counts
(a) Red blood cell (RBC)
(b) White blood cell (WBC)
(c) Platelet
(5) Coagulation testing/INR
c. Chemistry/metabolic testing
(1) Glucose
(2) Kidney function tests
(3) Liver function tests
(4) Lipid profile
(5) Hemoglobin A1c
d. Immunology
(1) Mononucleosis test
(2) Rapid Group A Streptococcus test
(3) C-reactive protein (CRP)
(4) HCG pregnancy test
(5) H. pylori
(6) Influenza
e. Fecal occult blood/guaiac testing
T. Diagnostic Testing
1. Cardiovascular Tests
a. Electrocardiography (EKG/ECG)
(1) Perform standard 12-lead
(2) Lead placement
(3) Patient prep
(4) Recognize artifacts
(5) Recognize rhythms, arrhythmias
(6) Rhythm strips
b. Holter monitors
c. Cardiac stress test
2. Vision Tests
a. Color
b. Acuity/distance
(1) Snellen
(2) E chart
(3) Jaeger card
c. Ocular pressure
d. Visual fields
3. Audiometric/Hearing Tests
a. Pure tone audiometry
b. Speech and word recognition
c. Tympanometry
4. Allergy Tests
a. Scratch test
b. Intradermal skin testing
5. Respiratory Tests
a. Pulmonary function tests (PFT)
b. Spirometry
c. Peak flow rate
d. Tuberculosis tests/purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests
6. Distinguish Between Normal/Abnormal Laboratory and Diagnostic Test Results
U. Pharmacology
1. Medications
a. Classes of drugs
b. Drug actions/desired effects
c. Adverse reactions
d. Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)
e. Storage of drugs
2. Preparing and Administering Oral and Parenteral Medications
a. Dosage
(1) Metric conversion
(2) Units of measurements
(3) Calculations
b. Routes of administration
(1) Intramuscular
(a) Z-tract
(2) Subcutaneous
(3) Oral/sublingual/buccal
(4) Topical
(5) Inhalation
(6) Instillation (eye-ear-nose)
(7) Intradermal
(8) Transdermal
(9) Vaginal
(10) Rectal
c. Injection site
(1) Site selection
(2) Needle length and gauge
d. Medication packaging
(1) Multidose vials
(2) Ampules
(3) Unit dose
(4) Prefilled cartridge-needle units
(5) Powder for reconstitution
e. Six Rights of Medication Administration
(1) Right patient, right drug, right route, right time, right dose, right documentation
3. Prescriptions
a. E-prescribing
b. Controlled substance guidelines
4. Medication Recordkeeping
a. Reporting/documenting errors
5. Immunizations
a. Childhood
b. Adult
c. Recordkeeping
(1) Vaccine information statement (VIS)
d. Vaccine storage
V. Emergency Management/Basic First Aid
1. Assessment and Screening
a. Treatment algorithms/flow charts
b. Triage algorithms/flow charts
2. Identification and Response to Emergencies
a. Bleeding/pressure points
b. Burns
c. Cardiac and respiratory arrest
d. Foreign body obstruction
e. Choking
f. Diabetic ketoacidosis
g. Insulin shock
h. Bone fractures
i. Poisoning
j. Seizures
k. Shock
l. Cerebral vascular accident (CVA)
m. Syncope
n. Vertigo
o. Wounds
p. Cold exposure
q. Heat exposure
r. Joint dislocations/sprains/strains
s. Asthmatic attack
t. Hyperventilation
u. Animal bite
v. Insect bite
w. Concussion
3. Office Emergency Readiness
a. Equipment
(1) Crash cart supplies
(2) Automated external defibrillator
b. Emergency response plan
(1) Evacuation plan
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Frank Warren outlines how boxing will return amid the coronavirus pandemic on July 10 | AAMA-CMA braindumps and test Braindumps
just five fights on the cardboard, restricted trainers and personnel within the corner and 'medical groups over them like a rash': Promoter Frank Warren outlines how boxing will return on July 10 amid the coronavirus pandemiccorridor of fame promoter Frank Warren has outlined the enormously altered face of boxing when the recreation returns in July amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The lengthy-awaited comeback of championship boxing will start with Brad Foster's bout with James Beech for the British and Commonwealth titles on July 10 - which will be staged amid tightly-managed situations.
The global health disaster forced boxing into its enforced hiatus, however the British Boxing Board of control signalled the green easy for bouts to resume next month.
Promoter Frank Warren outlined how boxing may be staged when the game returns on July 10
Brad Foster's (appropriate) bout with James Beech is determined to be held at BT game's studios in Stratford
And now Warren has revealed the blueprint to make sure a safe return to the ring. The sixty eight-yr-historic beat Eddie Hearn to the punch and should grasp Queensberry Promotions suggests at the BT recreation studios in Stratford.
Foster will guard his title in opposition t the unbeaten Beech in the headline of the first of 5 showpieces.
but the pandemic has closely affected how activity can also be staged over the arrival months, and boxing will also have to adapt to a string of latest measures to ensure the safeguard of these taking part.
'we are going to doubtless kick off the primary exhibit with 5 bouts on the cardboard,' Warren informed BT game.
Foster will preserve his title agains the unbeaten Beech amid tightly-controlled protection measures
'Whereas on a standard evening, we'd have 12 to 14 - but they do not all get on television. so that you could beginning with, it will likely be restricted to 5.
'concerning entourages, they're out. now they have received to limit the quantity of americans in the building. defense and hygiene is paramount.
'within the corners, the fellows will all be masked up. they'll be donning visors. they will be in a circumstance where there won't be huge corners.
'they're going to probably have the trainer in the corner and the cutman. That might be it. it be going to be quite strict - and they can be strict in implementing it for the safety of every person there and the security of the sport.'
Warren revealed that there may be much less fights on the card and restrained numbers within the corner
It has additionally proved important that athletes, officers and other personnel are consistently validated for Covid-19, and as soon as once more boxing isn't any different.
Warren has defined that combatants could be continuously checked over by clinical groups within the build-as much as bouts to stay away from the unfold of the disorder.
He added: 'The opponents could be confirmed in practicing, they could be confirmed on combat week, they might be Tested at the weigh-in, they are going to have their temperature taken on battle day.
'they are going to have the scientific teams over them like a rash.'
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References :
Blogspot : https://certifications-trainings.blogspot.com/2019/03/killexamscom-aama-cma-real-question-bank.html
Dropmark-Text : https://killexams.dropmark.com/367904/18168922
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Instapaper : https://www.instapaper.com/read/1174623176
Mediafire : http://www.mediafire.com/file/4s1exoak66daik5/AAMA-CMA.pdf/file
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