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Test Number : HPE0-S48
Test Name : Integrating HPE ProLiant Server Solutions
Vendor Name : HP
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Taking an initiative on complaints by means of Chattra Abhibhawak Manch, a scholar-guardian discussion board, the directorate of higher training has ordered strict motion towards seven deepest schools of Shimla for allegedly amalgamating annual costs into lessons charges and charging the identical in quarterly installment, for ‘mentally harassing’ those that have not deposited the charge in the stipulated time and for surprising-out college students from on-line analyze companies, for non-payment of charges.
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in the order it become outlined that tuition price shall also not be accelerated, neither would every other hidden can charge be allowed to be added in lessons payment and in case any scholar fails to deposit fee within the lockdown length, the names of the students aren't struck from rolls.
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