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Architecting a Citrix Networking Solution
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Test Number : 1Y0-440
Test Name : Architecting a Citrix Networking Solution
Vendor Name : Citrix
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1Y0-440 exam Format | 1Y0-440 Course Contents | 1Y0-440 Course Outline | 1Y0-440 exam Syllabus | 1Y0-440 exam Objectives
Exam Name : Architecting a Citrix Networking Solution (CCE-N)
Exam ID : 1Y0-440
Exam Duration : 150 minutes
Questions in exam : 64
Passing Score : 65%
Exam Center : PEARSON VUE
Real Questions : Citrix 1Y0-440 Real Questions
Recommended Practice : Citrix Certified Expert - Networking (CCE - N) Practice Test
The 1Y0-440 exam is a 64-question exam written in English. Some of the items
on this exam will not be scored and thus will not affect your final result in any
way. The unscored items are included in this exam solely for research purposes.
The passing score for this exam is 65%.
Native English speakers 150 minutes
Non-native English speakers 150 minutes
that take the exam in +30 minutes
countries where English is a (time extension)
foreign language
Non-native English speakers
that take the exam in 150 minutes
countries where English is +30 minutes
NOT a foreign language (time extension)
The 1Y0-440 exam is focused on those syllabus that are most important for IT
Professionals with extensive networking and Citrix ADC experience. This exam certifies
that exam takers have the requisite knowledge and skills required for defining the
overall structure or architecture of a Citrix networking environment. This exam covers
advanced Citrix networking configurations and leading Citrix design principles.
Those who assess and design complex network architecture of a Citrix network
environments may hold various job titles such as:
� Citrix Architects
� Citrix Consultants
Recommended Knowledge and Skills
Candidates should have knowledge of the following prior to taking this exam:
� Identify and prioritize business drivers, constraints, and requirements using the
Citrix Consulting methodology.
� Assess environment requirements and learn to apply leading design principles to
address them in a multi-site Citrix ADC deployment.
� Apply advanced authentication and load balancing principles.
� Utilize Citrix ADC Application Delivery Management for monitoring Automation
and Orchestration.
� Identify steps to take in advanced troubleshooting scenarios.
� Ability to evaluate environment documentation and assess necessary
adjustments to meet required environment specifications.
� Assess the environments current security configuration and make necessary
adjustments to bring in line with leading security practices.
� Configure different methods of client connection including Citrix Gateway, VPN,
Split Tunneling and other proxy configuration options.
Recommended Product Experience
Citrix Networking technologies and concepts such as:
� Citrix Methodology and Assessment
� Citrix ADC Deployment
� Citrix Application Delivery Management v12.x
� Citrix Gateway
� Citrix ADC Security
� Traffic Management
� AppExpert
� Application Firewall
� Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)
� GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing)
� Application Delivery Management Automation and Orchestration
� Nitro API
Section Weight
Networking Methodology and Assessment 11%
Citrix ADC Deployment Architecture and Topology 14%
Advanced Authentication and Authorization 21%
Citrix ADC Security 12%
VPN Configuration 12%
Advanced Traffic Management 11%
Citrix Application Delivery Management Automation and Orchestration 19%
TOTAL 100%
Interpretation of Objectives
Candidates should refer to the objectives and examples listed in this guide in order
to determine which syllabus will be on the exam, as well as examples of the topics
that could be tested.
For example, if the objective reads, �Assess the printing infrastructure� and one of
the examples reads, �Perform printer driver stress testing� candidates could expect
to see:
� A scenario describing a printing infrastructure:
� Scenario: A Citrix Architect is assessing the current printing
infrastructure at CGE. As part of the assessment, the architect wants to
perform printer driver stress testing.
� A question that requires determining how to assess the printer drivers:
� How can the architect assess which printer drivers are in use in the
current environment=>
Use the Citrix Methodology to plan projects.
Identify/Prioritize Business Drivers and
Requirements. Process success criteria, Identify critical
business driver.
Determine how to Segment users into defined use
cases. Discuss existing user filters.
Determine key Application Assessment and
Categorization. Evaluate business critical and business
optional resources.
Determine how to perform Capabilities
Assessment. Gain an understanding of current
environment configurations and identify
Determine the appropriate Multi-Site Deployments
Determine how to design Multi Tennant
Determine how to analyze Citrix Cloud design.
Determine how to review Configuration
components for AAA
Determine how to evaluate the Authentication Process and options
� Determine clientless access through the Gateway to allow access to Published Applications or SAAS Applications.
� Evaluate authentication and authorization policies.
Determine Session Management with AAA Determine how to evaluate the Authentication
Process and options
Determine how to utilize and implement Multi-Factor (nFactor) Authentication
Determine how to evaluate the Authorization
configuration options
Determine the End Point Analysis Considerations
Define the correct protection against specific Layer
4-7 attacks
Determine how to evaluate VPN Access Scenarios and Configuration.
Determine how to Configure split tunneling and Authorization.
Determine RDP Proxy Configuration
Determine ICA Proxy Considerations
Determine how to implement Advanced Load
Balancing setup
Determine how to Implement Advanced Global
Server Load Balancing setup
Determine how to use Citrix Application Delivery
Management for Citrix ADC Automation
Determine how to assess the Orchestration ability
Determine how to utilize NITRO
Determine how to create Stylebooks
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Citrix teaching
Citrix: how to | 1Y0-440 PDF obtain and PDF Dumps
We recommend the usage of the desktop utility Citrix Workspace to access engineering application remotely.
internet AppIf the Citrix Workspace install fails, person can launch Citrix applications by means of the net. This system is wide-spread to be slower than the Workspace tool.
three. go surfing using your BU Username and Password
four. select which utility to launch. this may launch in Citrix Receiver.
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References :
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