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F5-Networks 101 : Application Delivery Fundamentals Exam

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Test Name : Application Delivery Fundamentals
Vendor Name : F5-Networks
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101 test Format | 101 Course Contents | 101 Course Outline | 101 test Syllabus | 101 test Objectives

Section 1: OSI Cognitive Complexity
Objective 1.01 Explain, compare, and contrast the OSI layers

Describe the function of each OSI layer
Differentiate between the OSI layers
Describe the purpose of the various address types at different OSI layers
Objective 1.02 Explain protocols and technologies specific to the data link layer

Explain the purpose of a switchs forwarding database
Explain the purpose and functionality of ARP
Explain the purpose and functionality of MAC addresses
Explain the purpose and functionality of a broadcast domain
Explain the purpose and functionality of VLANs
Explain the purpose and functionality of link aggregation
Objective 1.03 Explain protocols and apply technologies specific to the network layer

Explain the purpose and functionality of IP addressing and subnetting
Given an IP address and net mask, determine the network IP and the broadcast IP
Given a routing table and a destination IP address, identify which routing table entry the destination IP address will match
Explain the purpose and functionality of Routing protocols
Explain the purpose of fragmentation
Given a fragment, identify what information is needed for reassembly
Explain the purpose of TTL functionality
Given a packet traversing a topology, document the source/destination IP address/MAC address changes at each hop
Objective 1.04 Explain the features and functionality of protocols and technologies specific to the transport layer

Compare/Contrast purpose and functionality of MTU and MSS
Explain the purpose and functionality of TCP
Explain the purpose and functionality of UDP
Explain the purpose and functionality of ports in general
Explain how retransmissions occur
Explain the purpose and process of a reset
Describe various TCP options
Describe a TCP checksum error
Describe how TCP addresses error correction
Describe how the flow control process occurs
Objective 1.05 Explain the features and functionality of protocols and technologies specific to the application layer

Explain the purpose and functionality of HTTP
Differentiate between HTTP versions
Interpret HTTP status codes
Determine an HTTP request method for a given use case
Explain the purpose and functionality of HTTP keepalives, HTTP headers, DNS, SIP, FTP
Differentiate between passive and active FTP
Explain the purpose and functionality of SMTP
Explain the purpose and functionality of a cookie
Given a situation in which a client connects to a remote host, explain how the name resolution process occurs
Explain the purpose and functionality of a URL

Objective 2.01 Articulate the role of F5 products
Explain the purpose, use, and benefits of APM, LTM, ASM, GTM
Objective 2.02 Explain the purpose, use, and advantages of iRules

Explain the purpose of iRules
Explain the advantages of iRules
Given a list of situations, determine which would be appropriate for the use of iRules
Objective 2.03 Explain the purpose, use, and advantages of iApps

Explain the purpose of iApps
Explain the advantages of iApps
Given a list of situations, determine which would be appropriate for the use of iApps
Objective 2.04 Explain the purpose of and use cases for full proxy and packet
forwarding/packet based architectures

Describe a full proxy architecture
Describe a packet forwarding/packet based architecture
Given a list of situations, determine which is appropriate for a full proxy architecture
Given a list of situations, determine which is appropriate for a packet based architecture
Objective 2.05 Explain the advantages and configurations of high availability (HA)

Explain active/active
Explain active/standby
Explain the benefits of deploying BIG-IP devices in a redundant configuration

Objective 3.01 Discuss the purpose of, use cases for, and key considerations related to load

Explain the purpose of distribution of load across multiple servers
Given an environment, determine the appropriate load balancing algorithm that achieves a desired result
Explain the concept of persistence
Objective 3.02 Differentiate between a client and server

Given a scenario, identify the client/server
Explain the role of a client
Explain the role of a server

Objective 4.01 Compare and contrast positive and negative security models

Describe the concept of a positive security model
Describe the concept of a negative security model
Given a list of scenarios, identify which is a positive security model
Given a list of scenarios, identify which is a negative security model
Describe the benefits of a positive security model
Describe the benefits of a negative security model
Objective 4.02 Explain the purpose of cryptographic services

Describe the purpose of signing
Describe the purpose of encryption
Describe the purpose of certificates and the certificate chains
Distinguish between private/public keys
Compare and contrast symmetric/asymmetric encryption
Objective 4.03 Describe the purpose and advantages of authentication

Explain the purpose of authentication
Explain the advantages of single sign on
Explain the concepts of multifactor authentication
Describe the role authentication plays in AAA
Objective 4.04 Describe the purpose, advantages, and use cases of IPsec and SSL VPN

Explain the purpose, advantages, and challenges associated with IPsec
Explain the purpose, advantages, and challenges associated with SSL VPN
Given a list of environments/situations, determine which is appropriate for an IPsec solution
Given a list of environments/situations, determine which is appropriate for an SSL VPN solution
Section 5: Application Delivery Platforms Cognitive
Objective 5.01 Describe the purpose, advantages, use cases, and challenges associated
with hardware based application delivery platforms and virtual machines

Explain when a hardware based application deliver platform solution is appropriate
Explain when a virtual machine solution is appropriate
Explain the purpose, advantages, and challenges associated with hardware based application deliver platform
Explain the purpose, advantages, and challenges associated with virtual machines
Given a list of environments/situations, determine which is appropriate for a hardware based application
deliver platform solution
Given a list of environments/situations, determine which is appropriate for a virtual machine solution
Explain the advantages of dedicated hardware (SSL card, compression card)
Objective 5.02 Describe the purpose of the various types of advanced acceleration

Describe the purpose of TCP optimization
Describe the purpose of HTTP keepalives, caching, compression, and pipelining

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