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CWNP CWAP-403 : Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP) Exam

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Test Number : CWAP-403
Test Name : Certified Wireless Analysis Professional (CWAP)
Vendor Name : CWNP
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CWAP-403 test Format | CWAP-403 Course Contents | CWAP-403 Course Outline | CWAP-403 test Syllabus | CWAP-403 test Objectives

Exam Name : Wireless Analysis Professional
Exam Number : CWAP-403 CWAP
Exam Duration : 120 minutes
Questions in test : 60
Passing Score : 70%
Recommended Training : Official Wi-Fi Analysis Self Study Kit
Training Class
Exam Registration : PEARSON VUE
Real Questions : CWNP CWAP-403 Real Questions
VCE VCE test : CWNP Certified Wireless Analysis Professional Practice Test

Protocol Analysis 15%
1. Capture 802.11 frames using the appropriate methods and locations
- Install monitor mode drivers
- Select appropriate capture device
- Select appropriate capture location
- Capture for an appropriate amount of time based on the problem scenario
- Scanning channels vs. capturing on a single channel
- Capturing in roaming scenarios
- Capture with portable protocol analyzers (laptops)
- Capture with APs, controllers, and other management solutions
- Capture with specialty devices such as handheld analyzers

2. Analyze 802.11 frame captures to discover problems and find solutions
- Use appropriate display filters to view relevant frames and packets
- Use colorization to highlight important frames and packets
- Configure and display columns for analysis purposes
- View frame and packet decodes and understand the information shown and apply it to the analysis process
- Use multiple adapters and channel aggregation to view captures from multiple channels
- Implement protocol analyzer decryption procedures
- View and use captures statistical information for analysis
- Use expert mode for analysis
- View and understand peer maps as they relate to communications analysis

3. Understand and apply the common capture configuration parameters available in protocol analysis tools
- Save to disk
- Packet slicing
- Event triggers
- Buffer options
- Channels and channel widths
- Capture filters
- Channel scanning and dwell time

4. Utilize additional tools that capture 802.11 frames for the purposes of analysis and troubleshooting
- WLAN scanners and discovery tools
- Protocol capture visualization and analysis tools
- Centralized monitoring, alerting and forensic tools

5. Ensure appropriate troubleshooting methods are used with all analysis types
- Define the problem
- Determine the scale of the problem
- Identify probably causes
- Capture and analyze the data
- Observe the problem
- Choose appropriate remediation steps
- Document the problem and resolution

Spectrum Analysis 15%
1. Capture RF spectrum data and understand the common views available in spectrum analyzers
- Install, configure and use spectrum analysis software and hardware
Configure Wi-Fi integration
Save and export capture data
- Capture RF spectrum data using handheld, laptop-based and infrastructure spectrum capture solutions
- Understand and use spectrum analyzer views
Real-time FFT
Waterfall, swept spectrogram, density and historic views
Utilization and duty cycle
Detected devices
WLAN integration views

2. Analyze spectrum captures to identify relevant RF information and issues
- Determine the RF noise floor in an environment
- Determine Signal-to-Noise Ration (SNR) for a given signal
- Locate and identify sources of RF interference
- Identify RF channel utilization
- Analyze a non-Wi-Fi transmitter and its impact on WLAN communications
- Overlapping and non-overlapping adjacent channel interference
- Poor performing or faulty radios

3. Analyze spectrum captures to identify various device signatures
- Identify frequency hopping devices
- Identify various 802.11 PHYs
Channel widths
Primary channel
- Identify non-802.11 devices based on RF behaviors and signatures
Microwave oven
Video devices
Cordless phones

4. Centralized spectrum analysis solutions
- AP-based spectrum analysis
- Sensor-based spectrum analysis

PHY Layers and Technologies 10%
1. Understand and describe the functions and the PLCP and PMD sublayers 2. Apply the understanding of PHY technologies (including PHY headers, preambles, training fields, frame aggregation and data rates) to captured data
- HT

3. Identify and use PHY information provided in pseudo-headers within protocol analyzers
- Pseudo-header formats
Per Packet Information (PPI)
- Signal strength
- Data rate and MCS index
- Length information
- Channel center frequency or received channel
- Channel properties
- Noise

4. Recognize the limits of protocol analyzers in capturing PHY information including NULL data packets and PHY headers 5. Use appropriate capture devices based on an understanding of PHY types
- Supported PHYs
- Supported spatial streams
- Short Guard Interval (SGI)

MAC Sublayer and Functions 25%
1. Understand frame encapsulation and frame aggregation
2. Identify and use MAC information in captured data for analysis
- Management, control, and data frames
- MAC Frame Format
Frame Control Field
To DS and From DS
Address Fields
Frame Check Sequence (FCS)
- 802.11 Management Frame Formats
Information Elements
Association and Reassociation
Probe Request and Probe Response
- Data and QoS Data Frame Formats
- 802.11 Control Frame Formats
Block Acknowledgement and related frames

3. Validate BSS configuration through protocol analysis
- Country code
- Minimum basic rate
- Supported rates
- Beacon intervals
- WMM settings
- RSN settings
- HT and VHT operations
- Channel width
- Primary channel
- Hidden or non-broadcast SSIDs

4. Identify and analyze CRC error frames and retransmitted frames

WLAN Medium Access 10%
1. Understand 802.11 contention algorithms in-depth and know how they impact WLANs
- Distributed Coordination Function (DCF)
Carrier Sense and Energy Detect
Network Allocation Vector (NAV)
Contention Window (CW) and random backoff
Interframe Spacing
- Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA)
EDCA Function (EDCAF)
Access Categories and Queues
- Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)
WMM parameters
WMM Power Save
WMM Admission Control

2. Analyze QoS configuration and operations
- Verify QoS parameters in capture files
- Ensure QoS is implemented end-to-end

802.11 Frame Exchanges 25%
1. Capture, understand, and analyze BSS discovery and joining frame exchanges
- BSS discovery
- 802.11 Authentication and Association
- 802.1X/EAP exchanges
- Pre-shared key authentication
- Four-way handshake
- Group key exchange
- Pre-FT (802.11r) fast secure roaming mechanisms
- Fast BSS Transition (FT) roaming exchanges and fast secure roaming
- Hotspot 2.0 protocols and operations from a client access perspective (ANQP and initial access)
- Neighbor discovery

2. Analyze roaming behavior and resolve problems related to roaming
- Sticky clients
- Excessive roaming
- Channel aggregation for roaming analysis

3. Analyze data frame exchanges
- Data frames and acknowledgement frames
- RTS/CTS data frame exchanges
- QoS data frame exchanges
- Block Acknowledgement exchanges

4. Analyze HT/VHT-specific transmission methods
- Transmit Beamforming (TxBF)
- Frame aggregation (A-MSDU and A-MPDU)

5. Analyze behavior and resolve problems related to MAC layer operations
- Power Save operations
- Protection mechanisms
- Load balancing
- Band Steering

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    Pegasystems [19 Certification Exam(s) ]
    PEOPLECERT [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
    PMI [16 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Polycom [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    PostgreSQL-CE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Prince2 [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
    PRMIA [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    PsychCorp [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    PTCB [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    QAI [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Qlik [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    QlikView [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Quality-Assurance [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
    RACC [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Real-Estate [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    RedHat [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
    RES [5 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Riverbed [9 Certification Exam(s) ]
    RSA [16 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Sair [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Salesforce [10 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SANS [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SAP [98 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SASInstitute [15 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SAT [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SCO [10 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SCP [6 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SDI [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
    See-Beyond [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    ServiceNow [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Siemens [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Snia [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SOA [15 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Social-Work-Board [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Splunk [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SpringSource [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SUN [63 Certification Exam(s) ]
    SUSE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Sybase [17 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Symantec [137 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Teacher-Certification [4 Certification Exam(s) ]
    The-Open-Group [8 Certification Exam(s) ]
    TIA [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Tibco [18 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Trainers [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Trend [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    TruSecure [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    USMLE [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    VCE [7 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Veeam [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Veritas [34 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Vmware [76 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Watchguard [1 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Wonderlic [2 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Worldatwork [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
    XML-Master [3 Certification Exam(s) ]
    Zend [6 Certification Exam(s) ]

    Download These Latest and Up to date Certification Exams Here

    References : Certification test dumps | Pass4Sure test Questions and Dumps

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