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ITIL 4 Foundation
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ITIL-4-FOUNDATION test Format | ITIL-4-FOUNDATION Course Contents | ITIL-4-FOUNDATION Course Outline | ITIL-4-FOUNDATION test Syllabus | ITIL-4-FOUNDATION test Objectives
The ITIL 4 Foundation qualification is intended to introduce candidates to the management of modern IT-enabled
services, to provide them with an understanding of the common language and key concepts, and to show them
how they can Boost their work and the work of their organization with ITIL 4 guidance. Furthermore, the
qualification will provide the candidate with an understanding of the ITIL 4 service management framework and
how it has evolved to adopt modern technologies and ways of working.
The ITIL 4 Foundation examination is intended to assess whether the candidate can demonstrate sufficient recall
and understanding of the ITIL 4 service management framework, as described in the syllabus below, to be
awarded the ITIL 4 Foundation qualification. The ITIL 4 Foundation qualification is a prerequisite for the ITIL 4
higher level qualifications, which assess the candidates ability to apply their understanding of the relevant parts
of the ITIL framework in context.
Material allowed None This is a �closed book exam. The ITIL Foundation publication, ITIL 4
edition, should be used for study, but is NOT permitted to be used in the exam.
Exam duration : 60 minutes Candidates taking the test
in a language that is not their native or working language may be awarded 25% extra time, i.e. 75 minutes in total.
Number of marks : 40 marks There are 40 questions, each worth 1 mark. There is no negative marking.
Provisional Pass mark : 26 marks You will need to get 26 questions correct (65%) to pass the exam.
Level of thinking Blooms levels 1 & 2 �Blooms level� describes the type of thinking needed to answer the
question. For Blooms level 1 questions, you need to recall information about the ITIL 4 service management framework. For Blooms 2 questions, you need to show understanding of these concepts.
Question types Classic, Negative, Missing word, & List
The questions are all �multiple choice.
For the �standard questions, you have a question and four answer options.
�Negative questions are �standard question in which the stem is negatively worded.
For the �missing word questions, there is a sentence with a word missing and you have to select the missing word from four options.
For the �list questions, there is a list of four statements and you have to select two correct statements from the list.
The table below gives a summary of the concepts that are tested in the exam, and the main parts of the
manual in which these are described. The book references refer to the section stated, but not the
subsections within that section, unless stated. The verb for each assessment criterion indicates the Blooms
level (BL): �Recall/�Define indicates Level 1 basic recall and recognition, �Describe/�Explain, indicates
Level 2 understanding/comprehension.
1.1 Recall the definition of:
a) Service
b) Utility
c) Warranty
d) Customer
e) User
f) Service management
g) Sponsor
1.2 Describe the key concepts of creating value with services:
a) Cost
b) Value
c) Organization
d) Outcome
e) Output
f) Risk
g) Utility
h) Warranty
1.3 Describe the key concepts of service relationships:
a) Service offering
b) Service relationship management
c) Service provision
d) Service consumption
2.1 Describe the nature, use and interaction of the guiding principles
2.2 Explain the use of the guiding principles (4.3):
a) Focus on value (4.3.1 �
b) Start where you are (4.3.2 �
c) Progress iteratively with feedback (4.3.3 �
d) Collaborate and promote visibility (4.3.4 �
e) Think and work holistically (4.3.5 �
f) Keep it simple and practical (4.3.6 �
g) Optimize and automate (4.3.7 �
3.1 Describe the four dimensions of service management (3):
a) Organizations and people (3.1)
b) Information and technology (3.2)
c) Partners and suppliers (3.3)
d) Value streams and processes (3.4-3.4.2)
4.1 Describe the ITIL service value system (4.1)
5.1 Describe the interconnected nature of the service value chain and how this supports value streams (4.5)
5.2 Describe the purpose of each value chain activity:
a) Plan
b) Improve
c) Engage
d) Design & transition
e) Obtain/build
f) Deliver & support
6.1 Recall the purpose of the following ITIL practices:
a) Information security management (5.1.3)
b) Relationship management (5.1.9)
c) supplier management (5.1.13)
d) IT asset management (5.2.6)
e) Monitoring and event management (5.2.7)
f) Release management (5.2.9)
g) Service configuration management (5.2.11)
h) Deployment management (5.3.1)
i) Continual improvement (5.1.2)
j) Change enablement (5.2.4)
k) Incident management (5.2.5)
l) Problem management (5.2.8)
m) Service request management (5.2.16)
n) Service desk (5.2.14)
o) Service level management (5.2.15)
6.2 Recall definitions of the following ITIL terms:
a) IT asset
b) Event
c) Configuration item
d) Change
e) Incident
f) Problem
g) Known error
7.1 Explain the following ITIL practices in detail, excluding how they fit within the service value chain:
a) Continual improvement (5.1.2) including:
- The continual improvement model (4.6, fig 4.3)
b) Change enablement (5.2.4)
c) Incident management (5.2.5)
d) Problem management (5.2.8)
e) Service request management (5.2.16)
f) Service desk (5.2.14)
g) Service level management (5.2.15 �
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OVERLAND PARK, Kan., might also 12, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Onspring, a number one clever automation and actual-time reporting platform that provides cloud-based solutions for chance and seller management and internal audit, pronounces the launch of its latest no-code utility answer: IT carrier administration (ITSM). Onspring's latest solution of robust automation capabilities is built to retailer time and money whereas mitigating possibility for IT service departments. This debut is the latest business-certain device within the business's company automation suite of options.
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About OnspringOnspring gives workflow automation and precise-time facts visualization via cloud-primarily based utility. The enterprise's no-code platform ability each user can create computerized workflows and reporting dashboards throughout enterprise units devoid of building elements, offering flexibility for those that want both comfort and customization. identified as a stand-out technology, Onspring consumers provide 5-megastar experiences for its means to carry proper solutions for GRC, dealer administration, interior audit, company continuity & disaster recuperation.
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