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Vendor Name : Trainers
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NSCA-CPT test Format | NSCA-CPT Course Contents | NSCA-CPT Course Outline | NSCA-CPT test Syllabus | NSCA-CPT test Objectives
Exam Title : NSCA Certified Personal Trainer
Questions : 140 scored, 15 non scored
Pass Marks : 77%
Duration : 3 hours
Exam Type : multiple-choice
The NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer� (NSCA-CPT�) test
is comprised of 140 scored and 15 non-scored* multiple-choice questions that tests candidate's knowledge in the following four domains:
Client Consultation/Fitness Assessment
Program Planning
Techniques of Exercise
Safety, Emergency Procedures and Legal Issues
There are 25-35 video and/or image items that assess competencies across multiple domains.
The pass rate was 77% for first-time candidates attempting the NSCA-CPT test
in 2018.
Domain Percent of Exam Number of Questions
Client Consultation/Assessment 23% 32
Program Planning 32% 45
Techniques of Exercise 31% 43
Safety, Emergency Procedures and Legal Issues 14% 20
Non-Scored Questions - 15
Total 100% 155
Number of video questions (already included in the total) 25-35
Length of exam 3 hours
About the Association
Certifications Offered
Accreditation of NSCA Certifications
Registration of NSCA Certifications
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Job Analysis
Item Writing
Standard Setting
Exam Content Outlines
Exam Preparation
Example Preparation Plan Options
Plans Recommended by Background
Eligibility Requirements
Acceptable Accreditation of Colleges and Universities
Exercise Science-Related Fields
Acceptable CPR/AED Certifications
Discipline Policy and Certification Appeals
Completing the Registration Form
Release of Information
Special Accommodations
Eligibility Documentation
Academic Transcripts (CSCS and CSPS only)
CPR/AED Certifications
Practical Experience (CSPS only)
Exam Fees
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Test Center Locations
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Inclement Weather, Power Failure, or Emergency
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Permitted Mobility Devices
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Appealing test
A. Cardiovascular: Individuals with�
1. Myocardial infarction
2. Angina
3. Hypertension
4. Peripheral vascular disease (e.g., deep vein thrombosis, peripheral artery disease)
5. Congestive heart failure
6. Valvular disorders
7. Revascularizations
8. Conduction defects or disorders (e.g., atrial fibrillation, pacemakers)
B. Pulmonary: Individuals with�
1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (e.g., emphysema, chronic bronchitis)
2. Chronic restrictive pulmonary disease (CRPD) (e.g., fibrosis, sarcoidosis)
3. Asthma
4. Pulmonary hypertension
C. Metabolic
1. Individuals with diabetes mellitus (Type 1 and 2)
2. Individuals who are overfat
3. Individuals with pre-diabetes
4. Individuals who have metabolic syndrome
5. Individuals with thyroid disorders (hypo/hyperthyroidism)
6. Individuals with end stage renal disease
D. Immunological and Hematological: Individuals with...
2. Chronic fatigue syndrome
3. Fibromyalgia
4. Anemia
5. Auto-immune disorders (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis)
6. Bleeding/clotting disorders
E. Musculoskeletal/Orthopedic: Individuals with...
1. Osteoporosis and other low BMD conditions
2. Limb amputations
3. Osteoarthritis
4. Lower back conditions
5. Chronic musculoskeletal conditions (e.g., OA, osteoporosis, low back pain)
6. Frailty
7. Joint disorders (e.g., muscle, labrum, ligament, cartilage, tendons)
8. Joint replacements (e.g., shoulder, knee, hip)
9. Sarcopenia
10. Posture conditions
11. Cystic fibrosis
F. Neuromuscular: Individuals with�
1. Stroke or brain injury
2. Spinal cord disabilities
3. Multiple sclerosis
4. Cerebral palsy
5. Downs syndrome
6. Parkinsons disease
7. Epilepsy
8. Balance conditions
9. Muscular dystrophy
G. Post Rehabilitation: Individuals with�
1. Musculoskeletal disorders/conditions
2. Cardiopulmonary disorders/conditions
3. Neuromuscular disorders/conditions
H. Individuals with Cancer
I. Female Specific Conditions
1. Pregnant and postpartum
2. Female athlete triad
3. Menopausal/post-menopausal
J. Individuals with Behavioral/Psychological Disorders
1. Disordered eating patterns
2. Body image
3. Depression
4. Chemical dependency
K. Older Adults
L. Children and Adolescents
A. Determine the Fitness Professionals Role in the Wellness Continuum
1. Align goals of the medical professional, client, and fitness professional
2. Maintain lines of communication with the primary healthcare provider
3. Optimize communication between the fitness professional and medical professionals
4. Verify physicians clearance to exercise
B. Perform Health Appraisal
1. Understand basic medical terminology
2. Interpret medical history (e.g., contraindications, continuity of care, goal viability)
3. Administer life-style questionnaire
4. Interpret �levels of pain� or prognosis (severity of condition; e.g., kurtzke expanded
disability status scale)
5. Interpret medical documentation
6. Document subjective client feedback and observations relevant to medical condition
7. Contact medical professionals for needed information or clarification on
medical history, restrictions, etc.
8. Identify signs and symptoms that indicate an individual should be referred
for medical care
9. Understand the roles of health professionals that prescribe exercise (e.g., physicians,physical therapists, occupational therapists, athletic trainers)
10. Perform nutritional review
C. Fitness Evaluation
1. Conduct fitness evaluation
a. vital signs (e.g. heart rate, blood pressure)
b. height and weight
c. body composition (e.g., �Bod Pod� and DXA reports)
d. girth measurements
e. muscular strength and endurance
f. speed/agility/power
g. cardiovascular endurance (e.g., submaximal VO2 max test on treadmill and bike)
h. flexibility
i. lipid profile
j. lung function
k. postural assessment
l. balance
m. functional assessment
n. evaluations specific for individuals with limited ability (e.g., 6-min walk, modified sit-and-reach from a chair, 8 lb. curl test, chair stands)
2. Prioritize need for clients with multiple diseases
3. Adjust fitness evaluation based on medical conditions and restrictions
4. Determine testing measures for the client
5. Document client progression with objective and subjective criteria
A. Develop SMART Goals
1. Manage fear and expectations
2. Increase functional capacity
3. Boost health risk factors (e.g., muscle wasting)
4. Boost confidence and self-image
5. Boost quality of life
B. Program Design
1. Develop individual training programs that are adapted to specific health condition (types, duration, frequency, intensity, progression, rest)
2. Develop group training programs that are adapted to specific health condition (types, duration, frequency, intensity, progression, rest)
3. Identify exercises indicated and contraindicated for clients condition
4. Identify environmental risks (e.g., MS and heat tolerance)
5. Evaluate communicable disease risk (client to fitness professional OR fitness professional to client)
6. Modify the warm-up and cool-down program to coincide with the limitations and capacities of a client
7. Modify the exercise program to coincide with the limitations and capacities of a client
8. Instruct a client on therapeutic exercise technique and equipment (including body position, speed/control of movement, movement/range of motion, breathing, and spotting/safety guidelines)
a. aquatic
b. range of motion
c. exercise with accessory equipment (e.g., chairs, walker/cane, gait belt)
d. balance/perturbation training
e. partner-assisted (support person and conduction exercises beyond the medical
fitness center/facility, or how they can help during the process of exercise)
f. home programs
9. Understand exercise-induced changes to body systems
a. neuromuscular system
b. cardiorespiratory system
c. musculoskeletal system
d. endocrine
e. psychological
C. Apply Motivational/Coaching Techniques
1. Motivational interviewing
2. Stages of change
3. Transtheoretical model
4. Behavioral economics
5. Planned behavior theory
6. Cognitive theory
7. Relapse prevention
8. Positive psychology
9. Solution-focused coaching
D. Monitor Client Outcomes
E. Recognize Need for Referral to Healthcare Professional
A. Comply with Scope of Practice Requirements
B. Practice Safety Procedures
C. Follow Emergency Procedures
D. Recognize Professional, Legal, and Ethical Responsibilities
E. Comply with HIPAA regulations
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Trainers Practice Test
Sri Lanka's cricket team resume out of doors working towards after virus halt | NSCA-CPT Dumps and test Braindumps
Sri Lanka's cricket crew will resume practicing Monday under strict fitness measures after a two-and-a-half-month hiatus compelled by means of coronavirus, the nation's governing physique noted.
Cricket came to a halt on March 13 when the journeying England group pulled out on the 2d day of a 4-day observe fit forward of their two-check sequence.
A 13-member squad will take part in a 12-day practicing session, starting with health sessions from Monday at a hotel in the capital Colombo, Sri Lanka Cricket said Sunday.
floor training will beginning on Tuesday, the governing physique brought.
The players can be joined through a four-member group of coaches and assistants.
"members taking part in the camp are usually not allowed to depart the resort premises or the observe venue to attend own concerns," it introduced in a statement.
"The avid gamers taking half in the camp represents a normal squad chosen from throughout all formats, and basically encompass bowlers, as they want greater time for 'conditioning' before going into active competition."
The verify collection in opposition t England was postpone indefinitely after the pandemic halted important carrying activities worldwide.
Sri Lanka has stated 1,620 infections and 10 deaths on account that the primary virus case became detected on January 27.
instruct Mickey Arthur had customised home-practicing regimes for a lot of players within the national crew after the lockdown became imposed.
Former Sri Lankan sports minister Dayasiri Jayasekara in 2017 slammed the national crew as "too fats and unfit to container five-day examine fits".
The comments got here after they suffered a humiliating one-day collection defeat towards backside-ranked Zimbabwe and an early exit from the Champions Trophy.
Sri Lanka later overhauled the teaching team and Arthur has pointed out he turned into conserving in contact with each player to computer screen their growth before foreign competitors resumes.
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References :
Blogspot : https://certifications-trainings.blogspot.com/2019/03/free-pass4sure-nsca-cpt-question-bank.html
Dropmark-Text : https://killexams.dropmark.com/367904/18169552
google Drive : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FNEfALx_WxTaZdiJYHlqWn0gLhZ2U-sS
megaNZ : https://mega.nz/#!7RADUATR!oQsr1tg5jaCaFC1fqjTKpfIbOYbKFlqJohs3WFTPFIA
OneDrive : https://1drv.ms/b/s!ArXwpjTm487rgXQcLT5Y0LEEl0w-
RSS Feed : http://feeds.feedburner.com/KillexamscomNsca-cptDumpsPracticeQuestionsAndVceExamSimulator
Instapaper : https://www.instapaper.com/read/1174633321
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