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Designing HPE Server Solutions

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HP HPE0-S54 : Designing HPE Server Solutions Exam

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Test Number : HPE0-S54
Test Name : Designing HPE Server Solutions
Vendor Name : HP
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HPE0-S54 test Format | HPE0-S54 Course Contents | HPE0-S54 Course Outline | HPE0-S54 test Syllabus | HPE0-S54 test Objectives

Exam ID : HPE0-S54
Exam type : Proctored
Exam duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
Exam length : 60 questions
Passing score : 66%
Delivery languages : English, Japanese
Supporting resources : These recommended resources help you prepare for the exam:
Designing HPE Server Solutions, Rev. 18.11

The Minimally Qualified Candidate (MQC) for Server Architect at the Accredited System Engineer (ASE) level has advanced knowledge of HPE solutions and underlying technologies, which include CPU, memory, disk, power, networking, management subsystems, data center environments, and multi-site configurations. The typical MQC will have worked in the IT industry in an HPE server environment for at least 18 to 36 months.

Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam. Use HPE Press study guides and additional reference materials; study guides, practice tests, and HPE books. Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.). Successful completion of the course or study materials alone, does not ensure you will pass the exam.

55% Plan and Design Solutions
Based on the customers goal, determine the appropriate information to gather from the customer.
Given a scenario, determine an appropriate tool to size, specify, or build a solution.
Given a scenario, describe how to generate the customer proposal (for example, Bill of Materials, TCO Report, diagrams, Quote, third-party items, power and cooling statistics).
Given a scenario, identify potential design issues with the customers existing environment.
Determine under which circumstances an architect would propose specific industry standard server, storage, network architectures and technologies.
Given a customers long-term vs short-term needs, determine a solution with a possible upgrade path.
Given a scenario, describe the service offerings that meet the business and IT objectives.
Analyze customer information to determine the gap between the existing customer environment and the documented customer needs.
Compare and contrast available HA and DR solutions, match them with the customers business needs, and available budget.
Provide a rationale for a product line within a given solution.
Given a scenario, map the solution benefits to the original customer requirements and respond to customer objections raised by key stakeholders.

20% Install, Configure, and Set Up, Solutions
Evaluate the customer environment to determine POC suitability. (site specific/scenario based)
Analyze the success criteria and proposed POC solution to determine the gap between them.
Describe the steps for implementing the design.
Determine how the design achieves the customers technical requirements and highlight additional improvements identified during design implementation.

10% Troubleshoot Solutions
Given a customer problem, determine an appropriate resolution path.
Explain how to use the appropriate tools to identify a problem.
Describe the correlation between a remediation and its predicted outcome.

15% Manage, Monitor, and Maintain Solutions
Given a customer situation, identify the appropriate management tool to use.
Describe the steps for performing common management tasks.
Interpret collected data for lifecycle management operations.
Interpret collected data to optimize performance and availability.

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References :

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