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PSAT - Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test - Dump Information

Vendor : SAT
Exam Code : PSAT
Exam Name : Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
Questions and Answers : 406 Q & A
Updated On : November 2, 2017
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PSAT Questions and Answers

SAT PSAT Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Download Full Version : A. wandering aimless B. wandering aimlessly C. wandering without purpose D. wandering in an aimless manner E. wandering almost aimlessly Answer: B QUESTION: 390 Only after I went home did I remember my dental appointment. A. went home B. had went home C. got home D. gone home E. should go home Answer: C QUESTION: 391 The book lay open at page 77. A. lay open B. laid open C. lied open D. lain open E. was laid open Answer: A QUESTION: 392 By this time next year, Johanna will begin classes at the University of Colorado A. will begin classes B. will have begun classes C. has began classes D. should begin classes E. should have begun classes Answer: B QUESTION: 393 After comparing my air conditioner with the one on sale, I decided that mine was the most efficient. A. was the most efficient. B. should be the most efficient. C. was the more efficient. D. was by far the most efficient. E. should be considered the most efficient. Answer: C QUESTION: 394 I would have liked to have gone swimming yesterday. A. to have gone swimming B. to go swimming C. to had gone swimming D. to go to swim E. to of gone swimming Answer: A QUESTION: 395 I wish I read the chapter before I tried to answer the questions A. read the chapter B. would read the chapter C. should of read the chapter D. could have read the chapter E. had read the chapter Answer: E QUESTION: 396 Nathanael West said that he'd never have written his satirical novel if he had not visited Hollywood.. A. have written his B. would have written his C. could of written his D. could have written his E. should of written his Answer: A QUESTION: 397 The smell from the paper mill laid over the town like a blanket. A. laid B. has lain C. will lie D. lay E. has laid Answer: D QUESTION: 398 When I was halfway down the stairs, I suddenly knew what I had wanted to have said A. to have said B. too say C. to have been said D. to had say E. to say Answer: E QUESTION: 399 I would be more careful if I had been you. A. had been B. would have been C. was D. were E. could have been Answer: D QUESTION: 400 They read where the governor has appointed a special committee to improve the school calendar. A. where B. how C. were D. of where E. wear Answer: B QUESTION: 401 In study hall I sit besides Paul Smith, who is captain of the swim team and one of the best swimmers in the state. A. sit besides B. sat beside C. have set beside D. sit beside E. have sit beside Answer: D QUESTION: 402 Anna Karenina has been read with enjoyment for over 100 years A. has been read B. will have been read C. shall have been read D. is being read E. was read Answer: A QUESTION: 403 Many 19th-century biographers rely on their imaginations, not on real facts. A. rely on their imaginations, B. relied on their imaginations, C. have relied on their imaginations D. could have relied on their imaginations, E. could rely on their imaginations: Answer: B QUESTION: 404 The private lives of politicians, generals, and other notables fascinates the reading public. A. fascinates the reading B. have fascinated the reading C. will fascinate the reading D. fascinate the reading E. has fascinate the reading Answer: D QUESTION: 405 The small man chose a seat near the door and carefully sat down. A. sat B. will sit C. could of sat D. have sit down E. set down Answer: A QUESTION: 406 Last summer I worked in the chemical laboratory at the Brass Company; most of the work came into the lab for testing marked with the words top priority. A. words top priority. B. words-top priority. C. words: Top priority. D. words, "Top Priority." E. words "top priority." Answer: D 'PS .PSF FYBNT WJTJU IUUQ LJMMFYBNT DPN .LOO \RXU H[DP DW )LUVW $WWHPSW *XDUDQWHHG

SAT PSAT Exam (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) Detailed Information

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Score Week for Counselors
From Dec. 5–10, we’ll share new resources to help you access and understand PSAT/NMSQT scores.
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2016 PSAT/NMSQT Scores
Scores will be available to educators Dec. 5 and to students Dec. 12.
More PSAT/NMSQT results are available in December
Compare the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10
Offered in different seasons, these tests are great practice for the SAT. Both are open to 10th-graders.
More about the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 tests.
Connect to AP
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More about AP courses and what it means if your score report says you have AP Potential.
Inside the Test
Find out what kinds of questions you’ll see on the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 and learn what the tests measure.
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Taking the Tests
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Scholarships and Recognition
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SAT Subject Tests
It’s not too early to sign up for one or more SAT Subject Tests.
What Is the PSAT®?
The PSAT/NMSQT® (or Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is, as the title suggests, a preliminary version of the SAT.
Not only does the PSAT help prepare students to take the SAT or ACT, the great thing about the PSAT is that a high score can also open the door to National Merit Scholarships and other awards. With $180 million dollars in scholarships awarded to students who achieve high scores on the PSAT, how you perform on this exam can help you earn scholarship dollars that change the direction of your college planning.
So, what is the PSAT? Much more than a practice test.
About the PSAT
The PSAT is 2 hours and 45 minutes long and tests your skills in Reading, Writing, and Math. The highest score possible on the PSAT is 1520.
Test Length Question Type
Evidence-Based Reading 60 minutes U.S./World Literature
Social Studies/History
Writing & Language 35 minutes Expression of Ideas
Standard English conventions
Math 25 minutes: No Calculator
45 minutes: Calculator Heart of Algebra
Data Analysis & Problem Solving
Passport to Advanced Math
Additional Topics in Math
The PSAT Evidence-Based Reading Test
Length Question Types
60 minutes U.S./World Literature
Social Studies/History
There are 5 reading passages or paired passages:
1 U.S./World Literature passage
2 Social Studies/History passages (or 1 passage + 1 passage pair)
2 Science passages (or 1 passage + 1 passage pair)
The Evidence-Based Reading section of the PSAT is the longest, single section of the exam lasting 60 minutes and covering 47 questions. That’s approximately 75 seconds per question, not including the time needed to read each of the 5 word passages or passage pairs, each between 500-700 words.
This section of the exam is aimed at testing your ability to draw supported conclusions from the passage details and/or make inferences based on the author’s point of view. Your ability to read, comprehend, and choose effectively against the given answer choices is key.
Passage topics include U.S. or World Literature, Social Studies, History, and Science and are sourced from high-quality, previously published sources. Passages do not rely on outside knowledge, meaning you do not need to remember the difference between an ion and a proton, rather you are tested on your ability to comprehend and infer meaning from the author’s tone and point of view. For Science and Social Studies/History, you will read paired passages and will be asked to draw connections between the two. Additionally, you will encounter passages accompanied with charts, tables, and graphs. Questions related to these passages will test your ability to incorporate information in the passage with information presented graphically to answer a question, for example, to identify which of the given answer choices supports information presented in a graphic.
Reading comprehension questions will test your ability to identify the meaning of words and phrases in context. Some will ask you to draw a logical conclusion, and then also ask that you select the text that led you to that conclusion. Other questions may ask you to synthesize information using the passage and a related graphic to draw a logical conclusion, or identify how a word choice influences the overall passage’s meaning and tone.
killexams TIP: ask yourself questions and take notes as you read the passage. Remember, the answer is in the passage and does not require outside science, social studies, or history knowledge! The trick about the PSAT is finding the answer in the passage quickly and accurately.
The PSAT Writing & Language Test
Length Question Types
35 minutes Expression of Ideas
Standard English conventions
The Writing & Language section of the PSAT is 35 minutes long and covers 44 questions. That’s approximately 45 seconds per question, not including the time needed to read each of the 4 word passages, each between 400 and 450 words.
This section of the exam is aimed at testing your ability to identify and correct areas where the passage does not comply with standard English conventions, such as grammar, usage, and punctuation. In short, your ability to identify errors in the passage and determine the necessary revision among the answer choices is key.
Passage topics include Careers, Social Studies, History, Humanities, and Science. At least one of the four passages will include an informational graphic, where you will be asked to harmonize the information presented in the graphic into the passage, by completing a sentence in the passage.
killexams TIP: with only 35 minutes, you don’t have much time on this section. You’ll need to quickly identify where the passage does not comply with standard English conventions and eliminate answer choices that do not address the issue you’ve identified.
The PSAT Math Test
Length Question Types
25 minutes: No Calculator
45 minutes: Calculator Heart of Algebra
Data Analysis & Problem Solving
Passport to Advanced Math
Additional Topics in Math
The Math section of the PSAT is 70 minutes long and covers 47 questions. That’s approximately 90 seconds per question. For the first 25 minutes, you’ll be required to answer questions free-hand, without use of a calculator to support your work. For the remaining 45 minutes, you will be allowed the use of a calculator.
This section of the exam will focus on algebraic problems and your ability to analyze and interpret a set of data. Many questions will require two or more steps in order to solve them. In short, your ability to eliminate answer choices when applicable is key.
You will see two kinds of question formats in this section: grid-in questions or ones where you’ll be asked to enter an answer; and multiple-choice questions where you’ll have 4 answers choices to choose from.
Heart of Algebra problems will test your ability to create, solve, and analyze equations, systems of equations, linear equations, inequalities, and functions. Problem-Solving and Data Analysis problems will focus on real-world problems that include concepts in proportional relationships, percentages, complex measurements, and data interpretation and synthesis. Passport to Advanced Math will test your ability to understand and analyze the structure of advanced expressions as well as complex equations, including quadratic and higher-order equations.
Article by ArticleForge

College Connection: Strategies for scoring high on the ">PSAT/SAT exams

Susan Alaimo 5:06 a.m. EST November 18, 2016

Winter break is officially over, and for thousands of high school juniors who spent the fall semester visiting colleges and universities around the country, it's time to start thinking more about the grades and activities they'll need to be attractiv

Certain New Jersey colleges require a version of the SAT.( ~File)
Story Highlights
  • Strategies for Reading section include giving extra attention to “duo” and vocabulary questions
  • Students should review punctuation for grammar section: use of comma, semi-colon, colon and hyphen
  • On both math sections students should use test booklet as scrap paper and refer to formula box
  • A free, detailed SAT Strategy Guide can be downloaded at .SATsmartm
  • If in doubt, choose answer “C.”  That was the strategy offered to generations of college bound students as they prepared to face the intimidating SAT exam.  Luckily, there is much better – and more accurate – advice available to today’s students!
    The new SAT exam focuses on three areas: critical reading, grammar and math. There are strategies that all students should know to greatly improve their scores on all sections of the test.
    Students, first of all, should answer each and every question – whether they know the answer or not. There are four multiple-choice options, A through D, and students are not penalized for wrong answers. So, when unsure of an answer, students should narrow down their options by crossing out the letter of any answer they don’t like and then taking an educated guess from the remaining answer choices. Even random guessing will, according to the law of total probability, give students credit one out of four times. Backing into the correct answer by eliminating poor options will greatly increase those odds.
    READ: College Connection: Social media profile may help high school students
    READ: College Connection: Colleges offer 360-degree guided virtual tours
    articles and stay in touch with your local news by clicking here
    On the reading section, students should pay extra attention to the “duo” questions where two points are at stake. Students can often look at the answer options for the second of the two questions and then choose the answer that is referenced in the first question.
    Students should likewise carefully consider the “vocabulary in context” questions where they choose an answer. For example, if asked to choose between “retire,” “evacuate,” “vacate,” or “depart,” students need to consider the context of the sentence as all of these words can be defined as “to leave.” But we “retire” from our job, “evacuate” when there’s a pending disaster,  “vacate” our living quarters and “depart” on a vacation. While all of these words have similar meanings, they are seldom interchangeable.
    On the grammar section that is titled, “Writing and Language,” it’s vital that students recall the proper use of the comma, semi-colon, colon and hyphen. It’s also important for students to examine each question for correct tense, structure and word choice.
    On the two math sections, one that allows the use of a calculator and one that does not, students should use their test booklet as scrap paper as none is provided.  Students should also refer to the box of math formulas that is provided on the direction page.
    The best strategy is to prepare, well in advance of test day, with actual College Board written tests in order to be proficient in the material tested and knowledgeable of the directions for each section.
    To download a free Strategy Guide, with detailed advice and examples for each test section, visit .SATsmartm.
    Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of SAT Smart and College Bound Review. For more than 20 years, SAT Smart has offered both in person and online tutoring, ">PSATSATACT prep courses, and College Application Services by Ivy League-educated instructors throughout Central Jersey. .SATsmartm, llegeboundreviewm or call 908-369-5362.

    Download our apps and get alerts for local news, weather, traffic and more. Search “MyCentralJersey” in your app store or use these links from your device: iPhone app | Android app for phone and tablet | iPad app Don't forget to 'like' us on !

  • Article by ArticleForge

    Greenwich middle schooler gets 740 on math SAT

    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media

    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng shows her practice SAT test results at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng shows her practice SAT test results at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng poses with her laptop and math book at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng poses with her laptop and math book at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework using her lucky pen at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework using her lucky pen at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng poses with her laptop at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng poses with her laptop at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng plays chess on her computer between working on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test. less Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng plays chess on her computer between working on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her ... more Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Seventh-grader Natalie Cheng works on math homework at her home in Old Greenwich, Conn. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Cheng recently scored a 740 on the math portion of her practice SAT test.
    Tyler Sizemore, Hearst Connecticut Media
    Image 9 of 9

    Greenwich middle schooler gets 740 on math SAT
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    GREENWICH — When seventh-grader Natalie Shell took the SAT on Oct. 1, the buzz of a fly circling her desk distracted her. Periodically, the looming high school junior in the desk next to her released a noisy, no-hold-back sneeze, breaking her concentration each time he sprayed his germs in the air.
    Regardless, the precocious 13-year-old that day scored a 740 on the math section of the exam, putting her in the 98th percentile of all SAT takers, despite the fact that she has not taken any of the requisite courses for the test.

    “Do you think you could have done better without the fly?” mother Wendy Cheng asked her daughter last week.
    “Oh yes!” said Natalie. “I could have done better.”
    Natalie’s confidence may come from the fact that she has been doing math since she was a toddler.
    Her mother, a University of Cambridge economics graduate, had Natalie acting as the banker in Monopoly by age 4 or 5. In the car, Cheng would ask Natalie to calculate the number of exits they had to drive by before they reached their home in Greenwich.
    These days, the straight-A student takes coding classes on Sundays. She regularly competes in math contests.
    “I got five out of seven correct,” she bubbled, unable to hold back about her score in her last competition. The average score was one question correct out of seven, she said.
    Last year, Natalie memorized 230 digits of pi for her school Greenwich Academy’s Pi Day celebration. She began to recite the digits again last week, before her mother shushed her. She can still remember 100 digits, she said.
    Last summer, before heading to Spanish camp in Madrid for two weeks, Natalie attended the Summer Institute for the Gifted, an academic camp for children who have scored in the 95th percentile or above on a national standardized test or have otherwise been identified as “gifted.”
    At the camp, Natalie learned a few chapters of algebra, a subject often not introduced until high school. She took the workbook home and, although she said she loathes the book, practices problems out of it occasionally.
    Wendy Cheng decided to have her daughter take the SAT as a seventh-grader because middle school SAT scores are erased when the student goes to high school so universities cannot see them.
    “It’s actually a really great way to get practice so that in a few years time, when she does the ">PSAT or SAT, she’s not going to be nervous,” she said.
    Cheng was also interested in pursuing the test because it can help Natalie get into more gifted and talented programs. She is interested in the Duke Talent Identification Program or the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth for Natalie, perhaps next summer.
    “Well, I think it would be good for my future and it would help me get into a good university,” Natalie said.
    Natalie’s father wants her to attend Stanford University; her mother is rooting for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    Before taking the SAT, Natalie completed three or four practice tests to prepare. When she came across unfamiliar problems, she just “logicked” her way to the answer, she said.
    Her scores on the test — the 740 in math and a 620 in critical reading — both out of 800 — place her well above the mean scores of 496 in math and 493 in critical reading for women. Her performance prompted an invitation to the Study of Exceptional Talent program, an educational group for whiz-kid students, at Johns Hopkins University in 2017.
    When she got the results back, her family was elated. After all, learning is a family affair in the Cheng household: Natalie and her mother regularly compete against each other on math tests and then teach each other the solutions to questions they got wrong.
    Competition is something Cheng supports in her daughter.
    “As a girl, I always tell her, go beat the boys,” she said.
    Cheng said she was the only girl in her top level math class in London as a child, and remembers the male students doubting her smarts.
    “My pet peeve a lot times is I hear a girl or her friends say, ‘I’m not so good at math. Oh, but I’m great at reading and that’s enough,’ ” she said. “I grew up in China, in Hong Kong, and the girls there are just as competitive, just as good. So I think there is no reason not to be. I feel it is a nurture thing, not a nature thing.”
    Despite her emphasis on academics, Cheng is quick to point out that she does not push her daughter to succeed at the expense of other important parts of life.
    “I always try to foster a love of learning in math and science and making it relevant, fun and cool for Natalie,” she said. “I want Natalie to succeed academically but more importantly, I want her to be happy, social and well adjusted.”
    Indeed, in some ways, Natalie seems just like any other teenage girl: She played Pokemon Go on her mother’s cellphone during a recent interview, likes to do her homework with a red, sparkly pen and is thrilled to be having 12 girls to her sleepover birthday party coming up.
    But Natalie is also a seventh-grader whose scores qualify her for admittance at top universities.
    “Maybe after eighth grade, I’ll just go to college,” she joked.
    emunsonhearstmediactm; emiliemunson
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    Terryville High School test scores show promise

    PLYMOUTH – Some Terryville High School student test scores, though still below the state average, have improved in the past year, and administrators are developing strategies to build on that. Terryville High School Principal Mike Hults presented SAT, ">PSAT, CAPT…
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    School Officials Release Update on Standardized Testing at Wethersfield High School

    WETHERSFIELD, CT — School officials on Thursday released the following statement on standardized testing at Wethersfield High School:
    As statewide assessments have changed, Wethersfield High School has developed different ways to address standardized testing.
    Several teachers and administrators have attended SAT workshops sponsored by the State Department of Education, Connecticut Association of Schools, and the College Board.
    They have brought their knowledge of the new SAT to the faculty at Wethersfield High School. Every month, each department meets and focuses on how to best support student learning with SAT preparation.
    Professional Development throughout 2016-2017 has focused on preparing teachers for SAT practice and administration. Teacher practice goals focus on preparing students for the SAT. Teacher-created SAT practice activities, using tools and resources like Google Forms and Khan Academy, have allowed for frequent student practice.
    Throughout the school year, students take practice tests for the ">PSAT and SAT using College Board booklets. Wethersfield High School administers the College Board Suite of Assessments.
    In the fall of 2016, grade 11 students took the ">PSAT. In the spring of 2017, grade 9 students will take the ">PSAT 89, and grade 10 students will take the ">PSAT 10.
    Grade 11 students will take the SAT in the spring of 2017 as well. Taking the ">PSAT in grades 9, 10, and 11 will allow students to see and track their progress.
    Teachers encourage students to use the resources provided by the College Board and Khan Academy to understand the areas that need improvement and practice.
    The teacher and student preparation has supported overall student learning.Stephanie McKennaEnglish TeacherEnglish Department Liaison
    Stephanie McKenna
    English Teacher
    English Department Liaison
    Photo Credit: Wethersfield Public Schools
    Get free real-time news alerts from the Wethersfield Patch.

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    Madison High School students recognized with National Merit honors

    MADISON - To a throng of family and friends, 18 Madison High School students were recognized as National Merit semifinalists and commended students.

    The students were recognized during the regular Board of Education meeting for the grades K-12 school district Tuesday, Nov. 15.

    Students Matthew Haughey, Joe O’Connor and Owen Matthews were named National Merit semifinalists. The three students are among 16,000 in the U.S. in the program.

    “These academically talented students represent less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors,” Principal Gregory Robertson said in a statement.

    As semifinalists, the three students have the opportunity to continue in the competition for 7,500 National Merit scholarships worth about $33 million that will be given out in the spring, Robertson noted.

    The principal added that to become finalists, the students had to maintain a record of high academic performance, be endorsed or recommended by Robertson and earn Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores “that confirm their earlier qualifying test performance.

    The students also have to submit a detailed scholarship application that includes an essay and information about their participation and leadership at school in the Madison community. The semifinalists are designated on a state representational basis, the principal added.

    As semifinalists, the three Madison students are in the running to advance to the finalist level.

    A further 16 Madison High School students were named as commended students in the National Merit Scholarship program.

    The students named were Brianna Brown, Charles Cleaves, Jesse Cummings, Max Downing, Kelly Edwards, Quinn Fetterly, Katherine Flanagan, Meaghan Hanley, Alexis K MacDonald, Ivana Nikodijevic, Max Perrello, David Reichek, Malcolm Schaenen, Ransom Silliman, Atharva Talpade and Jessica Zhang.

    Commended students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.6 million students who entered the 2017 competition by taking the 2015 Preliminary SAT National Merit Scholarship Qualifying test (">PSATNMSQT), Robertson noted.

    For their efforts, the seniors were presented with a letter of commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which administers the program.


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