HP HPE0-S22 Dumps and Practice Tests with Real Questions

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HPE0-S22 - Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions - Dump Information

Vendor : HP
Exam Code : HPE0-S22
Exam Name : Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions
Questions and Answers : 60 Q & A
Updated On : October 12, 2017
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HPE0-S22 Questions and Answers


A customer has an HPE Integrity Superdome X system with an nPartition that has been provisioned with a supported OS and application. What first detects data corruption caused by an installed DIMM module?

  1. the XNC2 controller in the internal fabric
  2. the application using the data
  3. the OS installed on the nPartition
  4. the Superdome X firmware

Answer: D


A customer needs a hosted physical desktop solution. Users will run typical voice applications with limited use of some media-rich applications such as Adobe Photoshop. The customer needs the densest and most cost-effective solution that can support such users. Which HPE Moonshot cartridge should the architect recommend?

  1. HPE m710
  2. HPE m400
  3. HPEm700
  4. HPE m710p

Answer: D


A customer operates a data center based on third-party servers, which includes third-party storage with an iSCSI SAN. The architect needs to design a solution that can seamlessly access the current data from a new HPE Moonshot system. How can the HPE Moonshot system access the legacy storage?
  1. using native iSCSI target software to connect to the storage on a dedicated LAN
  2. using native iSCSI initiator to connect to the storage on a dedicated LAN
  3. using native iSCSI initiator to connect to the storage on the management LAN
  4. using an HPE Multifunction router to convert iSCSI to Virtual Connect

Answer: B


A customer has a Hadoop big data and analytics solution. The customer needs a server upgrade to improve performance for this solution and plans to add more solutions that draw on the data, such as a Cassandra NoSQL database. The customer is interested in a flexible HPE Big Data Reference Architecture approach. Which solution meets the customer’s needs?

  1. HPE Moonshot 1500 Systems with m700 cartridges for co-located compute and storage nodes
  2. HPE Apollo 4530 Systems for co-located compute and storage nodes
  3. HPE Apollo 8000 Systems for the compute nodes and HPE Superdome X Systems for the storage nodes
  4. HPE Moonshot 1500 Systems with m710 cartridges for the compute nodes and HPE Apollo 4200 Systems for the storage nodes

Answer: D


An architect plans to propose a solution and illustrate how it will reduce the predictable and repeatable costs for items and services not registered as assets. Which reporting period information helps the architect achieve this goal?

  1. total cost of acquisition (TCA)
  2. internal rate of return (IRR)
  3. gross profit (GP)
  4. operating expenditure (OPEX)

Answer: D


An architect is designing an HPE Apollo 6000 solution to support a customer application. The architect is choosing between the HPE ProLiant XL230a and the XL250a compute tray. What is one reason for choosing the XL250a tray?

  1. The application is single-threaded.
  2. The application requires high storage capacity.
  3. The application uses high amounts of memory.
  4. The application requires GPU acceleration.

Answer: B


A customer requests a proposal for an HPE Apollo 4530 system. The customer reports that it has experienced problems in the past with boot time malware attacks within its environment. Which solution should the architect propose to protect the customer from this threat?

  1. Use encrypted drives.
  2. Use Smart Array Controllers.
  3. Enable Legacy BIOS mode.
  4. Enable UEFI secure boot mode.

Answer: D


When designing a Superdome X configuration for a customer, which storage configuration should the architect choose?

  1. one mezzanine FC port on one nPar dedicated for booting from an MSA 2040 and an additional FC port for user data
  2. booting from a local direct attached SSD disk and a mezzanine FC port for user data storage on an MSA 2040
  3. a single mezzanine FC port in each nPar for common access to all volumes on an HPE 3PAR StoreServ
  4. booting from a local direct attached SSD disk and a mezzanine TOE N/W port for user data accessing an MSA 2040 using iSCSI

Answer: C

HP HPE0-S22 Exam (Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions) Detailed Information

HPE0-S22 - Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions

HPE0-S22 Test Objectives

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Exam ID HPE0-S22
Exam type Proctored
Exam duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Exam length 60 questions
Passing score 70%
Delivery languages English
Related certifications
  • HPE Master ASE - Advanced Server Solutions Architect V3
Supporting resources These recommended resources help you prepare for the exam:
  • 01065896: Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions, Rev. 16.21
Additional study materials
  • HPE Master ASE - Advanced Server Solutions Architect V3 eBook
Register for this Exam You will need an HPE Learner ID and a Pearson VUE login and password. No online or hard copy reference material will be allowed at the testing site. This exam may contain beta test items for experimental purposes. During the exam, you can make specific comments about the items (i.e. accuracy, appropriateness to audience, etc.). We welcome these comments as part of our continuous improvement process.

Exam description

This exams tests candidates' knowledge and skills on advanced architecting HPE server products and solutions. Topics covered in this exam include advanced server architectures and associated technologies, as well as their functions, features, and benefits. Additional topics include analyzing the server market, positioning HPE server solutions to customers, demonstrating server-related business acumen, and how the HPE Transformation Areas related to HPE server products and solutions.

Ideal candidate for this exam

Candidates who want to acquire the HPE Master ASE - Server Solutions Architect certification and have already acquired the HPE ASE - Server Solutions certification. Although anyone may take the exam, it is highly recommended that candidates have a minimum of six years experience with architecting HPE server solutions. Candidates are expected to have advanced level industry-standard technology knowledge and business acumen from training and hands-on experience.

Exam contents

This exam has 60 questions. Here are types of questions to expect:
  • Matching
  • Multiple choice (multiple responses)
  • Multiple choice (single response)

Advice to help you take this exam

  • Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
  • Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
  • Successful completion of the course alone does not ensure you will pass the exam.
  • Read this HPE Exam Preparation Guide and follow its recommendations.
  • Visit HPE Press for additional reference material, study guides, and HPE books.


This exam validates that you can successfully perform the following: Sections/Objectives
15% Foundational server architectures and technologies
  • Determine optimal processors for specific use cases and operational workloads.
  • Determine interconnect (networking, storage) technologies based on customer/solution requirements.
  • Explain the benefits of APIs.
25% Functions, features, and benefits of HPE server products and solutions 
  • Differentiate and position the HPE server product offerings, architectures, and options.
  • Explain the functions and benefits of HPE health and fault technologies.
  • Compare and contrast management tools. 
  • Given a customer environment scenario, recommend and substantiate which HPE management tools optimize administrative operations.
20% Analyzing the server market and positioning HPE server solutions to customers
  • Determine an approach to address customers' business requirements (TCO, ROI, IRR, NPV, TCA, CapEx, OpEx, HPE financial services, etc.)
  • Explain how the four HPE Transformation Areas relate to a given server solutions.
40% Planning and designing HPE server solutions 
  • Given a scenario with changed customer requirements, recommend modifications to the implementation plan.
  • Given a customer's storage infrastructure (e.g., iSCSI, Fibre, NAS, DAS), determine an appropriate configuration for server deployment.
  • Given a customer's networking infrastructure determine an appropriate configuration for server deployment.
  • Determine customer’s internal/external storage capacity and performance requirements.
  • Given a scenario, determine the customer's IT maturity and recommend next steps.
  • Given an anticipated performance bottleneck, determine an appropriate design solution.

Sample questions

These sample questions provide a preview of questions to expect on the exam. Although these questions will not appear on the exam, they are representative of exam questions and should help you become familiar with the format and complexity. To view sample questions,  print or download this page.

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jQuery(document).ready(function () { var data = ko.mapping.fromJS({"RelatedCertifications":[{"ProgramId":"MASE-SerSolArchlV3","ModifiedProgramId":"MASE-SerSolArchlV3","Name":"HPE Master ASE - Advanced Server Solutions Architect V3","IsActive":true,"EntityType":"Certification","Id":"b44ffde9-706b-e511-80d9-00215a9225dd","ShowOnWeb":true,"IsAvailableInLanguage":false}],"OptionGroups":[{"Key":"Option 1","Value":[{"ProgramId":"01065896","ModifiedProgramId":"01065896","Name":"01065896: Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions, Rev. 16.21","IsActive":true,"EntityType":"Course","Id":"faaa5ce8-b297-e511-80c9-00215a9b0e56","ShowOnWeb":true,"IsAvailableInLanguage":false}]}],"SuggestedCourses":null,"SuggestedCurricula":null,"DeliveryLanguages":"English","Duration":"1 hour 30 minutes ","SecondParagraph":null,"ThirdParagraph":null,"ExamType":"Proctored","ItemDetails":{"WhoShouldTake":"Candidates who want to acquire the HPE Master ASE - Server Solutions Architect certification and have already acquired the HPE ASE - Server Solutions certification. Although anyone may take the exam, it is highly recommended that candidates have a minimum of six years experience with architecting HPE server solutions. Candidates are expected to have advanced level industry-standard technology knowledge and business acumen from training and hands-on experience.","Hours":1,"Minutes":30,"PassingScore":70,"DeliveryLanguages":[{"Key":"ce691368-3898-4645-86e6-30cead426894","Value":"English"}],"Options":[{"Name":"Option 1","Items":[{"ItemType":3,"Name":"Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions, Rev. 16.21","Id":"01065896"}]}],"RelatedCertifications":[{"Key":"MASE-SerSolArchlV3","Value":"HPE Master ASE - Advanced Server Solutions Architect V3"}],"RelatedUpgradePaths":[{"Key":"MASE-SerSolArchlV3-u","Value":"HPE Master ASE - Advanced Server Solutions Architect V3 - upgrade from HP Master ASE - Superdome 2 Server Solutions Architect V1"}],"AdditionalStudyMaterial":[{"Key":"HPE Master ASE - Advanced Server Solutions Architect V3 eBook","Value":"https://hpepress.hpe.com/product/HPE+Master+ASE+-+Advanced+Server+Solutions+Architect+V3+HPE0-S22-eBook-17678"}],"ReplacedBy":[],"Replaced":[],"TipsForTaking":"
  • Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
  • Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
  • Successful completion of the course alone does not ensure you will pass the exam.
  • Read this HPE Exam Preparation Guide and follow its recommendations.
  • Visit HPE Press for additional reference material, study guides, and HPE books.
","Questions":60,"ObjectiveStatement":"This exam validates that you can successfully perform the following:","Objectives":[{"SectionNumber":1,"SectionObjectives":"Foundational server architectures and technologies\n\n
  • Determine optimal processors for specific use cases and operational workloads.
  • \n\t
  • Determine interconnect (networking, storage) technologies based on customer/solution requirements.
  • \n\t
  • Explain the benefits of APIs.
  • \n
\n","PercentOf":"15"},{"SectionNumber":2,"SectionObjectives":"Functions, features, and benefits of HPE server products and solutions \n\n
  • Differentiate and position the HPE server product offerings, architectures, and options.
  • \n\t
  • Explain the functions and benefits of HPE health and fault technologies.
  • \n\t
  • Compare and contrast management tools. 
  • \n\t
  • Given a customer environment scenario, recommend and substantiate which HPE management tools optimize administrative operations.
  • \n
\n","PercentOf":"25"},{"SectionNumber":3,"SectionObjectives":"Analyzing the server market and positioning HPE server solutions to customers\n\n
  • Determine an approach to address customers' business requirements (TCO, ROI, IRR, NPV, TCA, CapEx, OpEx, HPE financial services, etc.)
  • \n\t
  • Explain how the four HPE Transformation Areas relate to a given server solutions.
  • \n
\n","PercentOf":"20"},{"SectionNumber":4,"SectionObjectives":"Planning and designing HPE server solutions \n\n
  • Given a scenario with changed customer requirements, recommend modifications to the implementation plan.
  • \n\t
  • Given a customer's storage infrastructure (e.g., iSCSI, Fibre, NAS, DAS), determine an appropriate configuration for server deployment.
  • \n\t
  • Given a customer's networking infrastructure determine an appropriate configuration for server deployment.
  • \n\t
  • Determine customer’s internal/external storage capacity and performance requirements.
  • \n\t
  • Given a scenario, determine the customer's IT maturity and recommend next steps.
  • \n\t
  • Given an anticipated performance bottleneck, determine an appropriate design solution.
  • \n
\n","PercentOf":"40"}],"QuestionTypes":[{"Key":"b0031aac-26ed-4c6a-8118-68ba54e9385b","Value":"Matching"},{"Key":"d73fa45d-e5ba-4e06-8bdb-6a09c06e592d","Value":"Multiple choice (multiple responses)"},{"Key":"659bb56d-4b0d-4b10-b06c-6e3d61688f37","Value":"Multiple choice (single response)"}],"SampleQuestionDescription":"These sample questions provide a preview of questions to expect on the exam. Although these questions will not appear on the exam, they are representative of exam questions and should help you become familiar with the format and complexity.","SampleQuestions":[{"Sequence":1,"Question":"An architect is proposing an HPE Moonshot  solution for a customer. The customer application requires high-speed connections between cartridge nodes. \nThe architect needs to recommend a solution that will support the 3x15 2D torus connection with the HPE Moonshot 1500 chassis.\n\nWhich cartridge type should the architect recommend?","Answers":[{"Key":"m350","Value":false},{"Key":"m700","Value":false},{"Key":"m710p","Value":false},{"Key":"m800","Value":true}],"ReferenceMaterials":[{"Key":"31c1b064-bd0b-e611-80cb-00215a9b0e56","Value":"HPE Advanced Server Solutions, Module 6: HPE Moonshot Solutions, "2D torus-Cartridge-to-cartridge connections""}]},{"Sequence":2,"Question":"A customer manages multiple HPE c7000 enclosures by using HPE OneView. The customer needs to automate HPE OneView backup creation and download procedures. \n\nWhich HPE OneView feature should the architect recommend?","Answers":[{"Key":"HPE OneView for vCenter","Value":false},{"Key":"RESTful API","Value":true},{"Key":"HPE SmartStart Scripting Toolkit","Value":false},{"Key":"RIBCL scripts","Value":false}],"ReferenceMaterials":[]},{"Sequence":3,"Question":"A customer needs three servers with 196 GB RAM and memory protection for the two-socket application server.\n\nWhich solution should the architect recommend?","Answers":[{"Key":"HPE DL120 Gen9","Value":false},{"Key":"HPE Moonshot with M700","Value":false},{"Key":"HPE DL380 Gen9","Value":true},{"Key":"HPE Apollo with XL220a","Value":false}],"ReferenceMaterials":[{"Key":"aa4181f6-bd0b-e611-80cb-00215a9b0e56","Value":"ASE-Architecting HPE Server Ssolutions Learning Guide 2015 M1-20"}]},{"Sequence":4,"Question":"Which HPE server solution can be justified by using the HPE Client Virtualization ROI Calculator?","Answers":[{"Key":"one for a hosted desktop infrastructure (HDI)","Value":true},{"Key":"one that uses nPartitioning or hard partitioning","Value":false},{"Key":"one for a web infrastructure built on virtualized servers","Value":false},{"Key":"one that integrates with an HPE Helion CloudSystem 9.x solution","Value":false}],"ReferenceMaterials":[{"Key":"ded35473-be0b-e611-80cb-00215a9b0e56","Value":"HPE Advanced Server Solutions Module 10: Working with Customer Business Financials, "HPE Client Virtualization ROI Calculator""}]},{"Sequence":5,"Question":"A customer is operating a data center with HPE Fibre Channel based 3PAR storage. The architect intends to add an HPE Moonshot system to the data center to provide cost-effective Dynamic Content Delivery, front-end web and online analytics, accessing the data on the 3PAR storage.\n\nWhat is the most suitable interconnect option to use that allows access to the 3PAR data?","Answers":[{"Key":"an HPE Dark Fiber Multiplexer","Value":false},{"Key":"a Fibre Channel Virtual Connect module to connect directly to the SAN","Value":false},{"Key":"an HPE Multifunction Router to convert Fibre Channel to iSCSI","Value":true},{"Key":"native iSCSI initiator connecting to the storage over LAN","Value":false}],"ReferenceMaterials":[]},{"Sequence":6,"Question":"A customer operates a data center with a SAS-attached HPE MSA 2040 storage system. The architect plans to design a cost-effective, front-end web server that employs HPE Moonshot servers. \n\nHow should the architect design the solution to allow the HPE Moonshot servers to access the data on the MSA 2040 storage in the most cost-efficient way?","Answers":[{"Key":"Connect the HPE Moonshot servers to the MSA2040 SAS controller using an HPE Multifunction router.","Value":false},{"Key":"Replace the SAS Controller in the MSA2040 with a SAN controller and connect the HPE Moonshot servers to the MSA storage using the iSCSI protocol.","Value":true},{"Key":"Replace the SAS Controller in the MSA2040 with a SAN controller and connect the HPE Moonshot servers to the MSA storage using the Fibre Channel protocol.","Value":false},{"Key":"Connect the HPE Moonshot servers directly to the MSA2040 SAS controller using a standard SAS cable.","Value":false}],"ReferenceMaterials":[]},{"Sequence":7,"Question":"A customer has a data center with HPE BladeSystems with HPE ProLiant BL servers. The customer has automated processes such as image backups and firmware and software updates. However, the customer still has trouble aligning services with changing line of business demands. \n\nWhich solution should the architect recommend to permit line of business users to consume services on demand?","Answers":[{"Key":"HPE OneView 2.x","Value":false},{"Key":"HPE RESTful API tool","Value":false},{"Key":"HPE Helion CloudSystem 9.x","Value":true},{"Key":"HPE Insight Cluster Management Utility (CMU)","Value":false}],"ReferenceMaterials":[{"Key":"79e5c172-bf0b-e611-80cb-00215a9b0e56","Value":"HPE Advanced Server Solutions, Module 9: Managing and Monitoring HPE Solutions, "Adding HPE ProLiant servers and Moonshot to a cloud" and "Capabilities of HPE Helion cloud solutions""}]}],"RegistrationUrl":"http://www.pearsonvue.com/hpe","RegistrationInstructions":"You will need an HPE Learner ID and a Pearson VUE login and password.","TestingDisclaimer":"No online or hard copy reference material will be allowed at the testing site. This exam may contain beta test items for experimental purposes.\nDuring the exam, you can make specific comments about the items (i.e. accuracy, appropriateness to audience, etc.). We welcome these comments as part of our continuous improvement process.","IncludeSecondParagraph":false,"IncludeThirdParagraph":false,"IsAruba":false,"JapanInactiveDate":null,"LaInactiveDate":null,"ApjInactiveDate":null,"AmsInactiveDate":null,"EmeaInactiveDate":null,"ProgramId":"HPE0-S22","Name":"Architecting Advanced HPE Server Solutions","EntityType":2,"Type":{"Key":"6c9ab807-ea81-e511-87a7-00090ffe0001","Value":"Proctored"},"ReleaseStatus":{"Key":"9add30ae-a216-4790-9ea6-262670e0862b","Value":"Active"},"Description":"This exams tests candidates' knowledge and skills on advanced architecting HPE server products and solutions. Topics covered in this exam include advanced server architectures and associated technologies, as well as their functions, features, and benefits. Additional topics include analyzing the server market, positioning HPE server solutions to customers, demonstrating server-related business acumen, and how the HPE Transformation Areas related to HPE server products and solutions.","OriginalLaunchDate":"2016-05-16T00:00:00","MetadataKeywords":"Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, HPE, Certification and Learning, HPE advanced server solutions, HPE0-S22, server certification exam, HPE server exam, Moonshot exam, Apollo exam, Integrity exam, Master ASE, server architect","MetadataDescription":"Overview of the HPE Master ASE HPE0-S22 Architecting Advanced Server Solutions certification exam, including ideal candidate, objectives, sample questions, and exam and training details."},"IsPublished":true,"Version":2.0,"Level":null,"LaunchDate":"2017-04-21T14:00:38.33","ModifiedProgramId":"HPE0-S22","IsTranslated":true,"IsDeliveryReady":true,"IsForEmployee":false,"BaseUrl":"","BaseRegisterUrl":"","PublicSiteUrl":"https://certification-learning.hpe.com/tr","TrainingCalendarUrl":"https://certification-learning.hpe.com/tr/TrainingCalendar","HpLearnerIdUrl":"https://certification-learning.hpe.com/tr/learner_id.html","PersonVueUrl":"http://www.pearsonvue.com/hpe","LearningCenterAssistKitUrl":"https://certification-learning.hpe.com/tr/assist_kit/index.html","LearningCenterUrl":"https://certification-learning.hpe.com/tr/learning_center.html","CourseRegisterUrl":"https://hpe-external.sabacloud.com/Saba/Web_spf/HPE/common/searchresults/{0}/LEARNINGEVENT%2COFFERINGTEMPLATE%2CCERTIFICATION%2CCURRICULUM%2COFFERING%2CPACKAGE","CertificationRegisterUrl":"https://hpe-external.sabacloud.com/Saba/Web_spf/HPE/common/searchresults/{0}/LEARNINGEVENT%2COFFERINGTEMPLATE%2CCERTIFICATION%2CCURRICULUM%2COFFERING%2CPACKAGE","CurriculumRegisterUrl":"https://hpe-external.sabacloud.com/Saba/Web_spf/HPE/common/searchresults/{0}/LEARNINGEVENT%2COFFERINGTEMPLATE%2CCERTIFICATION%2CCURRICULUM%2COFFERING%2CPACKAGE","SelectedMenu":"certifications","Controller":"DataCard","SiteLanguage":{"id":"fbd9cabd-d808-e711-bd2b-00090ffe0001","text":"English","disabled":false,"data":null},"AvailableLanguages":[{"id":"fbd9cabd-d808-e711-bd2b-00090ffe0001","text":"English","disabled":false,"data":null},{"id":"fcd9cabd-d808-e711-bd2b-00090ffe0001","text":"日本語","disabled":false,"data":null}],"LanguageCode":"en","CountryCode":"us","IsSoftware":false,"SoftwareMessage":null,"RelatedPages":[]}, customKoMapping); var viewModel = new HP.ViewModels.BaseExternalSiteModel(data); ko.applyBindings(viewModel); }); Learning resources that were developed before the Hewlett-Packard Company separation might contain some content and brand elements that have not been updated for Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Learning resources with the highest usage are updated.


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